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Showing posts from January, 2014

Back to blogging!

So the blog has taken a back seat over the past few years due to a whole range of things, not least time constraints.  I finally got round to getting the last blog printed recently and its given us all so much pleasure that I'm inspired to start again.  So here it is: 'Abi & Izzy, the next 5 years'.  The thing I really noticed was how much we forget over time, so being able to go back and read what we were doing, however routine, has been lovely. I'm writing this on a wet Sunday afternoon, sitting in the living room of our lovely new house. The fire is roaring, Abi is next to me on the sofa, Scoobs is sprawled on the floor and Izzy is dressed as a pirate cuddled up to Daddy while trying to avoid touching his shoulder.  The TV is tuned to 'World's Scariest Drivers' on request of the petrol heads in the family - that would be everyone but me. Situation normal Chez Drinkwater. The shoulder situation is the latest in a series ...