Happy 6th birthday Izzy, another year ticked off - finally! You know you are getting older when you have to go to school / work on your birthday, so while we were woken by Izzy singing happy birthday to herself, it was normal routine other than present opening (shared - Izzy still very generous, letting Abi open as many as she does) as soon as everyone was up. As ever we struggle to think of things to get the girls, but this year we pitched it well with a combination of mini dinosaurs (always a hit with Izzy), Swingball (hasn't lasted the weekend after Glenn had a go and "whacked it really hard Mummy") and Nerf Guns. As you might imagine it was the Nerf Guns which immediately got taken out and we then had a manic 15 mins before getting dressed of Abi and Izzy shooting us at close range, before Glenn started to get his own back. The biggest mistake was probably letting Glenn order the upgrades - Nerf machineguns will be arriving tomorrow...