What a wonderful end to the summer. After a chilly August, September has been dry and mild, and today we've spent the whole day outside in shorts and t-shirts. We have had a few cold mornings but all in all no complaints on the weather front for once. Last weekend was the Royal Berkshire Show, a high spot in the girls calendar. Even more so now that Abi is convinced she is to be a farmer and therefore needed to pick up some hints and tips before starting out in her grand enterprise! As ever we never see it all and this time we got stuck in one of the warm up paddocks watching the rustic show jumping and chatting to various people with horses. I tried on numerous occasions to get them to move on but they were in their element. As long as they are enjoying themselves I guess... We obviously had time to have the annual python photo - this time I was roped in - spot the slightly forced smile! Today was a proper family day - Kerrie and Tor came for S...