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Showing posts from December, 2014

End of term... Relax!

Sunday evening, lovely weekend under our belts, fire lit, SPOTY on the TV.... Must be time for present wrapping. Actually I'm writing this and Glenn is wrapping. Like many things we have a perfect division of labour; I buy the presents, he wraps and I write the labels. Slight problem that the girls know we are wrapping so despite it being gone 9pm they are still awake but given it's now Christmas holidays for them it won't hurt. I have a week to go and then my turn to break up for 2 weeks of R&R.... Can't wait! This week is not a bad one - few parties, few presentations and that will be the first 6 months done - how quickly has that flown by?!? It seems I write that every week but it's true - time does just seem to pass so fast, blink and it's gone. Amongst other things this weekend Abi and Izzy have yet again been walking their horse (aka an ever long suffering Scooby). To do this it's important to be safe so they have been plugging for hi-vis ves...

Simple times

It's the simplest things that make us happy. Today has been a day of lazy starts, raking up leaves, muddy winter walks with good friends followed by mince pies and then Sunday dinner, bath and bed. It was definitely a late start with Abi as our weekend alarm clock not waking up til 8am - very unusual. Obviously we are not then able to get up immediately as everyone wants a cuddle so it was nearly 9am before poor Scooby got out for a walk. Once upon a time I'd be horrified at this late start thinking it such a waste of time. Now it's the highlight of my week - everyone together making the most of time to lie in bed, chat and snuggle up together. Saturday has taken a new turn as after a period of watching the girls do their riding lessons, I decided to join in and have a go myself. Despite it being 25 years since I last sat on a horse I seemed to have retained at least the basics and so after a crash taster session last week on my own I've joined a small group of very...