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Showing posts from May, 2017

The beauty of youth

This generation is very much the selfie generation, and having seen the results of even the most casual of photos, I don't blame them. I hope they take hundreds of photos and realise that they have the beauty of youth shining through right now - certainly it will disappear by the time they get to my age! Watching Abi at the rugby yesterday taking photos on her IPod touch, England vs Barbarians, 2nd half a bit dull and livened only by a lengthy Mexican wave, it really did strike me that age creeps up without you really noticing it. She took the same photo of her and then me and her face was flawless and mine was, well, mine was not. I have the lumps and bumps of age... and of experience I guess... but it is a bit galling to make a direct compare and contrast! I'm not that bothered by appearance (hence no make up as always outside of work), but it does make me think again about what motivates me in life. I'm sure much of this is time of year (rolling up to year end at...

New York, New York!

Phew, what whirlwind of 5 days - where to start?!? So, first off, after a very very long day we had 2 weepy children on our hands, neither of whom could make up their minds whether they needed to sleep, eat or just cry. We ended up with a combination of all 3. They were absolutely brilliant on the flight over - polite and quiet and well behaved throughout - they did us proud. This has been a sign of things to come as it's how they've been throughout the time we've been here. We have eaten and hiked our way around the city over the holiday with hardly a complaint. Izzy, normally the Princess of Lazy Legs, has bounced around the city holding hands with someone at all times, happy and smiling regardless of the fact we must have done 10 miles plus every day. So, highlights - too many to remember... For Glenn it's been the bike ride itself. Despite an early start - he and Simon set off before 5am on Sunday morning to ride the GW bridge (this time legally unlike their r...

NYC Countdown!

Only 3 more sleeps till New York - woo hoo! Not sure any of us will have our minds on the job at hand over the next few days, although its fair to say that I'm probably the most excited out of all of us. The weather forecast looks fabulous, the plans are set, we've had contact from the company who we've booked accommodation with (Glenn's biggest fear is that we have booked through a sham company and we'll be on the streets) - surely anything else can be dealt with? In the spirit of summer being almost around the corner we have made the most of the weather here as well this weekend and on Sat night it was on with the fire pit and out with the marshmallows. The kids are now experts at marshmallow toasting and can get 4 or 5 'peels' out of one marshmallow before they're done. I can't stand them myself so opted for a glass of wine instead. It was warm and light enough to sit outside and read until gone 8pm which is brilliant. I'm determined this ...

Super tri!

Ugh, it might have been a 4 day week but it still seemed like hard work, and that's not just me talking. The kids found it tough to be back at school (unsurprisingly given they'd had a whole month off) , and everyone else said the same "5 days work into 4 isn't easy..." Jeremy Corburn can stick his extra 4 bank holidays with his other daft policies in my opinion! Probably the hardest thing for me was that it's silly season at work as we crash towards the financial year end - always a guarantee of our already short term tunnel vision becoming microscopic in its micromanagement. I know it's necessary to make the numbers but it does make my heart sink when over half my back to work emails are internal ones. Such is ever the way though. My view at the moment given the level of uncertainty just about everywhere I turn in government and the economy is to sit tight, focus on what matters and see what comes. I think we are in for a tough few years economically...