I definitely feel like we tipped the kids into bed tonight with no hope of them waking up feeling refreshed and ready for the week ahead - they are shattered after a very busy weekend. I really should have made more effort to try and balance things out, but this weekend was always destined to be a busy one and then an inevitable sleepover each got added in at the last moment and it’s a lost cause. Poor Izzy had a Laser Tag party to top it off at 5:30 this evening - whoever thought that would be a good thing on a Sunday night in winter??? Yesterday morning Abi was dropped off after her sleepover - no doubt in the hope she could settle down for some iPad and dog cuddle time - when I made it quite clear that our main task was to get passport photos sorted for them both. Cue meltdown and “I’m not coming, I don’t need a passport and I don’t want to go skiing anyway...” I made it quite clear that this would also mean no France to which I got a bit more traction but not much. Of ...