Last night's sunset - this I do slow down for I'd like to just reflect now on what used to be a busy but organised life, one where we generally had enough time to exercise, see people and even have a bit of down time every so often. Not now though. Between the constant house stuff that we are doing (we could slow down but feels like we need to get on top of the essentials as soon as possible otherwise we'll just accept them), the kids stuff (more on this later) and then of course work, there is quite literally not a moment to spare just now. This weekend is a perfect example. On the one hand I feel like I've wasted it because I've neither ridden, run or even made it to my normal yoga class. On the other hand it's been jam packed with all kinds of variety - here's just a selection: Saturday - lovely dog walk then off to Izzy's school commemoration morning, then home for lunch and to take Abi to local horse shop and then on to Mum and Dads to drop Abi and ...