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Plasters & muddy walks

It's half term and the girls have had a friend over to play and I can attest to the fact that things are moving in the right direction.  They played together all day and we only had one "she won't play with me" and one injury resulting in tears.  We have had multiple injuries which needed medical support, but I think that is far more to do with the fact that Aran turned up armed with a new packet of plasters than any actual injury - what a treat for 3 medically inspired little girls!  Instead they have spent the entire time role playing hospitals, nursery and school, with multiple staff meetings.  I had to do very little, and in fact have managed to get on with some admin and household stuff - perfect.  More than this instead of the normal fuss over "I don't eat [list a long and ever changing variety of foodstuffs]..." I made a chicken casserole and they all demolished what was on their plates - amazing!

The rain has just started to abate a little after what seems like months of bad weather - thank goodness Abi and Izzy are not scared about getting outside and getting a bit muddy. This afternoon we set off to visit the local Nature Reserve, only to find all the roads closed by flooding.  I offered up a range of alternatives (clearly having promised a long walk and muddy puddles I wasn't going to get away with anything less) and we plumped for Greenham Common.  We had a brilliant walk and I was so impressed that we have got to the stage where we were out for the best part of 2 hours on an overcast February afternoon with not one complaint and no lazy legs from Izzy. Progress indeed!

It's always interesting to see the different things which motivate the girls. Yesterday I suggested that we all choose an activity that we wanted to do so that everybody felt that they had had a chance to influence the day.  Izzy immediately opted for swimming with Abi and I while Glenn went out to enjoy some rare sunshine on his motorbike. I had already stated my preference - a bike ride after lunch, so it was Abi's turn.  Abi was quite clear, she wanted to spend some time outside with Glenn, playing tennis and tree climbing.  Abi is undoubtedly happiest when outside, busy and learning through doing.  She still comes into our room every morning (often with a weather check "Morning Mummy, it's raining again!") and I treasure these moments as they are when Abi is at her softest and least challenging.  Izzy rarely rocks up until a bit later (she is still a sleep monster) and generally wants to go straight downstairs for a glass of milk. Izzy is happy to cuddle through the day at will, with Abi its definitely on her terms.

I'll finish on a lesson as to why learning to spell through phonics doesn't always work.  Abi and Izzy sat down to write a story this week and while Abi wrote a very practical illustrated guide to wood turning called 'From Tree to Table' (Grumps; you would be proud of her detail in every step!), Izzy wrote a story entitled 'At the Countryside'.  Unfortunately neither her spelling or line placement was perfect, so instead we had Countryside spelt without the 'o', with 'side' on a new line.  I'll leave it you your imagination what that gave us!


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