Despite the girls only being back in school for about 5 mins its nearly half term, which means this week is cross ciricular week. This is Abi's favourite week of the school year, where all the junior years come in for the week in home clothes and spend as much time as possible outdoors exploring the school grounds and woods beyond and learning more about their environment. Already they've built dens, taken bark rubbings, made and raced rafts and had an amazing few days. Tomorrow they are off to Hillier Gardens for the day to make the most of the dry weather before the rain and wind makes an unwelcome return. Izzy was full of one of her teachers who had stood behind a tree and pretended to be the tree while the class interviewed her (as a tree). I clearly asked a silly question given the response I got: "Mummy, you just have to use your IMAGINATION!!" Of course. Izzy loves this week as well, but it's Abi we see bloom most under these conditions. I predict she's not destined for a desk job.
This all provides plenty of material (using their vivid imagination obviously) to play their favourite game of all 'Teachers'. I had to hid a chuckle today when Izzy said to Abi - "Who are you Abi?" Abi responds with "Miss Lawrence" as she walks across the room. "You can't be Miss Lawrence, she waggles her bottom more than that when she walks...like this...!" We still have more work to do on what you think versus what you say!
So this weekend Glenn disappears on another big cycling weekend while we stay at home. It's bank holiday so the forecast is for wind and rain - great. I've finally bit the bullet and decided to exchange my lovely little SLK for a sensible family car which means when Glenn is away we can still get more than us and a small bag from A to B. So we have a new van on the way and a new car - all change on the vehicle front before reality bites and I restart work. In the meantime I will continue to make the most of the last few weeks of freedom - long may it last!
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