This week has definitely been an improvement on last when I was a bit doom and gloom, albeit every way I turn at the moment it's all a little more stressful than I would prefer. Glenn has his big 350 mile ride next weekend so we are into the last minute panic / resignation of the fact that it's going to be long, boring and painful. Having just checked the weather forecast it looks like it will also be wet - oh joy. At least this time next weekend it will all be over (hopefully) and he can relax while soaking his bottom in a vat of recovery cream! The next layer of stress is our house renovation which continues to crawl onwards, seemingingly one step forward and two back. This week we got confirmation that the structural engineer (as now expected by everyone given the time that has passed) has messed up our RSJ calculations. On the plus side better to know now than when the house falls down, but its still a real pain and it me...