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Kitchen nightmares

Aghhhhh!!!!  This week we are mainly trying to live through the nightmare that is no kitchen - not fun. After everything else that we've had done in the house over the past 5 months you would think we would be immune to dust and upheaval, but nothing is quite like having a kitchen ripped out and trying to make do with the utility room and a few boxes of stuff scattered across every corner of our house.  Obviously while we stress about the world being out of kilter, Abi and Izzy are loving the random eating options this is presenting.  They have been allowed to eat in the front room, on the floor in the dining room, in my study, and in the playroom using their trip traps as tables. We may never return completely to normal again!

The upside of this was a late arrangement to see Simon and Audrey for the weekend so we could break out from the 'cheese sandwiches for tea' rut we are stuck in. The sun shone, we played games on the lawn, swam and chatted - a very pleasant interlude from dust and plastering.  We came back this afternoon via Nanny Di's to collect Scooby who has been kept out of the way while the worst was happening.  We decided however that a dusty dog is better than no dog at all - particularly for Abi who missed him terribly - so we went to get him.  He was so pleased to see us it was lovely to have everybody back together again, even he did come back and immediately make the house smell... 

Over the past few weeks I have been watching Abi and Izzy and just how close they are - they'll be lost for the first few days when they go back to school I suspect.  This said there is a line and the 'touching tongues' game is one where I will admit to being a bit worried that it's getting a bit weird...  Luckily I mentioned the fact that they seem to be practically snogging each other to one of my school mum friends who was quite blase about the fact thet her two had been through it also and now her older daughter isn't keen anymore - roll on that point!

This was also the week when we had a few Bella mishaps.  The first started when we heard a ear-piercing scream from the playroom and then Izzy came running into the kitchen, blood pouring down her arm.  It seems she decided to get Bella out and just opened up the lid and stuck her finger in, right into Bella's mouth! Bless her she had the where with all to drop her back into her cage before coming through to us to show us a pretty impressive hamster wound...  Roll on a few days for incident #2.  I went to clean her cage out only to find no Bella! Cue mad hamster-hunt and sinking hearts as we looked at all the places she could hide given the floors are up and the general messiness.  After a good half an hour we gave up and Glenn went to get a packet of haribo to drown his sorrows, only to find her sitting in his haribo stash!

So fingers crossed by the next blog we may have a kitchen again - if not I think we will be looking for another place to stay next weekend! At least it's back to school on Thursday so that makes it easier - where did the summer holidays go??? 


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