The days are drawing shorter and although we’ve been blessed
with a fantastic Indian summer, it is definitely beginning to feel autumnal. I
have to reconcile myself to the fact that the mornings are now pitch black when
I get up, and soon it will be dark before I get home as well. My diary is completely full until mid-Nov
which is a sobering thought, although that does include half term which I’m
very much looking forward to. My work
pattern of 90% means I can take more of the school holidays if I generally work
a 5 day week. There are definitely weeks when I feel like there’s no time for
me at all, but on balance its working and the routine is stabalising for Glenn
and the girls which is key for me to feel happy. I took an afternoon off last week which was
lovely – I worked til 1, we had a lovely lunch followed by me squeezing in a 2
hour ride and still managing to pick up Abi and Izzy after school – perfect!
This week is busy at work with a trip to Manchester and a
couple of later nights back. I’m learning to practise what I preach (finally!)
and flex both ends of the day with a slightly later start if I know I’m not
going to make it back in time for the girls’ bedtime. I’m also trying not to
let those things which are out of my control stress me out. My train was
massively delayed yesterday so I plugged myself into my iPod and zoned out.
Would have been nicer to have had a seat, but you can’t have everything in
Our house is so very nearly done and I have a
constant warm glow about how well it has all come together and the home we have
created for ourselves. When friends are
visiting now they are blown away by the transformation – I’m not sure I would
make a designer but I’m proud of what I’ve achieved. What is so nice is when we
show people round Abi and Izzy get so excited about the bits they’ve had input
to particularly their splashback which they love. Izzy was determined to change
her bedroom around this weekend which caused some fun and games. Abi wanted a
comfy space she could “chill in Mummy”, and Izzy just wanted to know that her
headboard was close to Abi’s so it she knocks on the wall Abi can hear and will
knock back. This required a bit of though and ended up with a configuration
which was a bit awkward in Izzy’s room given its smaller, but there’s no harm
in letting them make some decisions about how their rooms look. It lasted 24
hours before Glenn changed it around when they were at school – mean Daddy! To
be fair he did apply the original criteria and they are both happy so all is
well. Glenn now has his garage, a wood
store, a large garden shed and a new
workshop / additional wood store. When you add to this his ride on mower and
ride on tractor with trailer, his leaf pig and growing collection of
motorbikes, he is a happy man. He wants to get a wood burner for the workshop
so it’s nice and cosy in there. I’m thinking of getting a bell system so I know
where he is – I fear we may never see him in the house again!
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