Phew, it's been a frantic birthday weekend and the girls have collapsed into bed exhausted. I think we may do the same! The weekend started on Friday morning with a very excited Abi and a very tearful Izzy. Not because Abi wasn't sharing or because she was upset she didn't have a birthday, she was just overwrought with the excitement at the end of a busy week. So, despite the periodic weeping they had a lovely start to the day of opening presents. Abi finally got her new wellies from Amanda, Alex and the boys and triumphantly turned to me to say "now I can come walking with you again Mummy!" About time - 2 weeks it's been since she vetoed all walking because I wouldn't allow her to have these before her birthday - stubborn child! Add to this new books, money and a big farm and farm animals - a very lucky and happy little girl set off to school proudly displaying her cake. This is clearly the signal for all the other children to rush up and wish you happy...