We've definitely moved into the 'settled children' stage of the holidays, i.e. those final few days before they go back to school when very one is completely in rhythm and there very little intervention required. Over the past 2 weeks the girls have been making the most of the dry, sunny weather and have barely been inside. Last week was a stonking 25 degrees (obviously marking the week after I went back to work...) and between this, and the multiple fun places to pay in the building site that is our garden, they've had a lovely Easter break. Izzy is mainly to be found at the moment in one or other pile of sand / earth / stones as the patio nears completion. She is happiest just sitting and playing mudpies, chatting to herself as she digs a hole or fills one in. Simple things in life! We had to smile as we were watching Sean pointing the new paving, with Izzy sitting next to him companionably chatting away, telling him all about the party she is having next week. Ab...