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Back to work blues

Ahhh, we've had such a nice week off, and over so quickly - always the way. It seems as though it's a case of blink and it's over. I suspect I've written that before.  So while everyone else appeared to be jetting off to sun or snow, we stayed put at home and on reflection I'm glad we did. We managed to get out and get active a lot - walking, cycling, swimming, riding and so on - and we had lots of down time which was very much needed after a few busy weeks at work.

One of the reasons we didn't go away was the garden project which is now well under way and looking fab even though it's really just started. The other reason of course is the pupster who couldn't possibly be left for a whole week - what would he do without us?!? We have at least now introduced him to Nanny Di so we have cover when we need it. She took one look at him and stated very clearly "they won't both fit in my house", so future dog sitting will be in situ at our house. I suspect they will prefer this and Glenn definitely thinks it's preferable as they can babysit the ever growing bike collection at the same time!

Highights of my week off are many. As ever it's not one big thing that stands out but lot's of little things. It's a good way to think about life actually - it's the little things that make the difference. In no particular order then:
- the fact that we went swimming and the pool was virtually empty which meant while the girls played I actually got to do some proper lengths. It's a measure of just how far their swimming has come that I'm confident enough to get my head down in the water and leave them to play, checking only briefly every length that they are still ok.
- the sign Abi made for her newest money making venture 'Dog Walker and Training'. This is following me booking Bertie in for puppy socialisation classes. While he is a complete star for the most part in the house, he goes loopy whenever we are out and he sees anything that moves - people, birds, bikes, etc. He loses all sense of recall and I worry he's going to get splatted on the main road running out after something. So off to puppy school to try and calm him down. Girls are coming with me so I think it will be training all round! Abi's class costs noticeably more than this one - lets hope its value for money!
- seeing family - Mum and Dad came up to see us on Wednesday - nice to catch up over lunch and prove my baking skills are almost up to Dad's high expectations!
- spending time with friends, just kicking back and relaxing over food, wine or out and about - we have such lovely friends and it's good to stop and appreciate them every so often.

So back to work for me yesterday and off to activity camp for the girls this week. The latter is much to Abi's disappointment and it's clear we will struggle to get her to attend this sort of thing much longer. Izzy still happily trots off, safe in the knowledge there will be people to talk to and play with. Abi on the other hand is reaching the stage where she would rather be at home with Glenn, in her own space. I am torn between knowing if she's at home she will get bored after a while so it's not quite the easy solution she thinks it is, while knowing that she hates doing the same thing over and over again and camp is quite repetitive. It's ok for me, I just go to work. I think I may have to be more creative come the summer - no pressure!


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