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Bog snorkling!

Ah, the joys of having our garden (almost!) finished and just in time for summer - what could be better?! Malcom and the boys finally packed up the vast majority of their tools and the garden is ours. The beds are mostly planted, the paths are all but finished, the orange netting is everywhere to try and keep Bertie off the grass seed... I can't tell you how lovely it is to have both house and garden done. I will happily say that I'm struggling not to tell anyone who steps foot over the thresehold how pleased I am with what we have achieved in a relatively short space of time. Who knew when I first got made redundant 18 months ago just how much pleasure we would get from that money, as well as just how quickly you can spend a good sum of money. Just the maintenance which will continue forevermore - including gutter clearing with 2 swimming costume clad daughters to catch the gunk!

Last weekend I was still planting (64 box plants to be exact as well as a number of beds), so this is the first weekend we've been able to properly step back and enjoy. As if we planned  it the sun came out just in time for the weekend and we have had a wonderful time. Yesterday we had friends over and whiled away the afternoon sitting in my lovely (v indulgent) chairs watching the sun move around the garden. Today Tom, Rachel, Beth and Oscar came for lunch and the garden came into it's own. The kids and dogs made the most of all the spaces we have created, they drove round the path, played in the pod, bounced on the trampoline, roared across the lawn, scooted on the patio. All the ways I hoped the garden would come to life it did. Big smiles all round!  You know you've done good when even the kids say wow when they walk through the door.

After lunch we headed into the woods to paddle in the stream, Drinkwater style. While Beth and Oscar approached with a degree of caution, our two waded up the stream and raced up and down the banks with both dogs jumping in to help. Somehow Izzy managed to trip and before anyone could do anything she was up to her shoulders in the water, laughing her head off! Of course Abi couldn't help but join in so then both of them were soaking wet (so much for the waterproof trousers) with boots full of water. This got Beth going as well by which point we'd given up even trying to stop them. What was so nice was that each of us could remember doing this as children - this is what kids should be doing. Technology is all very well but there's nothing like getting outside and going bog snorkeling!

After much debating we filled in the forms today for the girls to move to a new school in September. This follows much dissatisfaction over lots of little things - poor communication, poor transition between teachers, lack of appropriate cover for teachers on leave etc etc.  Our trip to Thorngrove to see whether that would be a suitable alternative was a great success - great location, purpose built classrooms, attentive headmaster. Izzy is convinced and desperate to get there. Abi is a bit more worried about leaving her friends but that will be fine once she has made new ones. In fact given how everyone is feeling I'm not sure there won't be others leaving in due course.

So back to work for final push before a week off. Can't wait - girls are off to Fifi and Grumps (and are VERY excited, not least because there are pigs!!). We are off to France with some friends cycling. Weather forecast is rubbish this week but looks good for the week after. Please let there be sunshine, I need a good break!


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