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Summer is here!

Summer is here! On the plus side, long sunny evenings. Conversely, getting the girls into bed at a sensible time is definitely not as easy as a dark winters evening. This weekend we were mainly holding our breath as Glenn raced at Castle Coombe. Given its not that far away we went to watch on Sunday and I can safely say I'd prefer to hear about it than watch! I had my heart in my mouth as I watched him roar round and I will admit that I was very happy when a gap opened up both in front and behind so it was a bit like he was riding his own race. Abi spent most of her morning snuggled up in the car, watching from afar. Izzy on the other hand was bouncing around chatting to everyone and sitting on the roof of the van watching the riders zoom by.

Despite the rain on Sunday morning the sun soon came out and Sunday evening was beautiful. Somewhat later than sensible on a school night We set off for a 'short' dog walk. Famous last words. I made the mistake of taking 2 kids and 2 boxers on a route that involve a stream and lots of sticks. Trying to get anyone to move in a straight line, forwards and towards home was impossible. I ended up getting frustrated as no one was listening to me and I knew it was only a matter of minutes before both girls crashed and started the "I'm tired, I can't walk any further..." I didn't get this but we slowed to a crawl and I ended up dragging them all home. Still a lovely walk though, regardless of the late finish.

We are rolling up to the end of the school year and it can't come quickly enough for Glenn and I. Clearly this isn't because we are desperate to have the kids at home for 8 weeks, but because with all that has happened with the school we are ready for a break. It feels like there's a lot of upheaval and unrest and we are glad that we've made the decision to move them for the new year. Both are excited, both have play dates organised with children from their new classes, I just hope we've made the right decision.

Some things don't change. Abi was desperately trying to be very good this afternoon, but she does find it difficult bless her. Today's conversation went along the lines of this:

"Can I wear your shoes outside please?"
"Just on the patio "
"Why, you normally let me"
"No, sometimes you just have to accept it"
"Why, you wear them outside"
"You always have to have an answer don't you?"
"I have a clever brain Mummy"

There's no hope for me! Izzy has a different tact of course, and still plays on being the smallest and cutest. That said today she turned around and said "don't judge me on my size..." As if we would!

So a week left at school, then France - I can't wait. The joy of going somewhere where we know exactly what to expect, what we need and what we don't, where to go and what we will probably do is worth so much more at this point than going off exploring. We'll leave that to when we go off on our own, or maybe future years when the kids want more interaction with others. Hopefully that's a long way off, I love our trips to France so much. The potential sticking point this year may be the
problems at Calais - fingers crossed that this is resolved although I can't see it happening soon. So much in the world that's worrying at the moment. This week there have been 3 separate terrorist attacks, including the one in Tunisia in the resort Glenn's Mum has been to twice in the last 5 years. Between this and hearing news from 2 friends about unwell parents we have much to be thankful for.


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