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Party time!

Oh the wonders of the British weather. A week ago the forecast for today was heavy rain and I was a gnats whisker from cancelling the kids party. Today the sun shone from morning till night and we had a fab afternoon of bouncy castle, space hoppers, fake tattoos and other random party activities. For once it all went our way, how lovely when that happens.

The party didn't necessarily start this way - the girls had been good all morning, very chilled out (in fact they didn't get dressed until midday - bad parenting...), all of which changed into fever pitch excitement when the first guests turned up. Cue excitement from Bertie also, only to be met with screams from the first child. I made the (reasonable I thought) comment that she would need to calm down and get used to them as they weren't going anywhere, only to find her mother is just as bad. I did what every party host does in such circumstances- suggested they both sit on the bouncy castle as he's not allowed on there. Funnily enough, within 10 mins everyone had settled down and, as promised, no one got ravaged by the mad dog.

This weekend we have had some ups and downs with Abi, as well as tantrums from Izzy - maybe it's the holidays, maybe it's just me! Abi as always was because she didn't get her own way. She wanted to wash her bike and didn't want to use the sponge I offered her. This ended up in a back / forward conversation at the end of which she picked up the sponge and threw it at me. I saw red and frog-marched her to the stairs and told her I didn't want to see her for 5 mins, and by the way I'm cancelling riding (the ultimate and only threat I seem to have). This was followed by immediate apologies but more pushing so to cut long story short we ended up leaving late for riding lessons. We got there just in time and I decided it was time to make a stand so I made her apologise to Ruth for keeping everyone. This for Abi is the worst possible punishment - a bit of public humiliation. She did it and then burst into tears. I hate doing this but there has to be a line and she still seems to delight in pushing me just over it. We hugged, she apologised and got onto her pony and was all smiles by the end of her lesson - arghhh! How can my children evoke such a massive range of emotion in me so quickly? No matter how much effort I make its never quite appreciated. Today after all the party she made a comment that it was rubbish because Izzy's friends were there also. I think she got how I felt this time because 2 mins later she turned up with a hand written note saying thank you. Rollercoaster emotion - frustration to huge love and back again in a nano second.

Izzy's tantrums are fewer, shorter but intense - the difference being that she doesn't try and get in my face like Abi, but heads upsets to sob under her duvet. I find this easier to deal with! I can't even remember what yesterday was about, but it was also over quickly, another plus. She also gave me a massive hug when Abi was being horrible yesterday, patting me on the back and telling me she loved me. Such a sweetie. I wouldn't have either of them any other way - because Abi is more challenging when she does bless you with her love and attention I feel 10 feet tall. Izzy is more even keeled but is so sweet she melts my heart. As she cuddled up to me today she whispered 'you're the best Mummy ever'. Yep, 10 feet tall again.

Just 2 more weeks and then it's time off again - can't wait. I'm hoping the next 2 weeks won't be too bad - it's August after all but we'll see. There's still a lot happening even if it's holiday time. Regardless we are looking forward to some nice treats - New Forest with Amanda and the boys, Glenn's Christmas present of lunch at the Hand & Flowers. Roll on the next 2 weeks!


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