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Half term - blink and it's gone!

 So, apparently we've just had a week off...where did that go then? The girls set off on their annual May half term pilgrimage to Taunton as we did the same to France. I think it's fair to say that they had the better weather - typical! We drive 800 miles south and get cloud and temperatures way below the norm. They head down the road and spend the entire week in the river playing with the boys and making the most of the balmy temperatures.

Despite the weather (and we can't complain, Paris had it's highest floodwaters in 30 years and people died in lightening strikes across Europe) we had a lovely break. We managed to do Ventoux again, relaxed and got some sunshine and really enjoyed being away together. It's amazing how little stress there is when its just the two of us and no little ones to push the boundaries.

The kids also had a lovely time, although I think Mum had to read the riot act a few times - not bad given there were 4 kids most of the time and they all have their moments. Highlights included lambs, sleep overs at Amanda's, boating on the river and generally being with Ben and Laurie. Low points probably Izzy's nightly weep that she'd left Rabbit and didn't say goodbye to me properly... oh and the paddy about not having a bath before bed - easily solved!

Regardless of us all enjoying our half term break away from each other, next year will be different. Glenn is going the NY Gran Fondo the week before half term so we are planning on taking them out of school for a few days and doing that then half term at home. This has the advantage of saving Mum and Dad from a week of thinking up interesting things to do, as well as leaving room for the revision which we understand will start to toughen up from Year 5. This week Abi has exams in Maths, English and Science. Apparently next year it will be 10 exams - eek! I will admit that the revision has taken a back seat with some cramming over the weekend. The good news is that we are not alone - lots of parents were saying they'd be doing the same. Let's hope it doesn't mean she flunks the lot. It's clear where her preferences are. On going through her science books she's on the ball for all things biological but just has no affinity for the soil and rock sections - I can understand that!

Izzy has a slightly less stressful week with only some limited testing, no revision required. She has become a book monster and is rapidly making her way through the Famous Five series after I told her how much I loved them as a child. This has resulted in her being found in her room whenever possible, snuggled up in bed reading - what a pleasure! She's also taken to making up games with a 1950's, and wanting 'a twist of salt' to go with her hard boiled egg today!

So back to school / work for all of us and I've got to cram a busy week into 3 days before I head off to Spain and my charity trek. I cant say I'm looking forward to it at the moment - the walking appeals but not being in control of the logistics doesn't, and I'm worried it will be a load of hanging around... must find my patience pills.... at least the weather forecast is good!


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