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I love you, I hate you

Much as we might complain sometimes about their griping at each other I've just watched the girls playing together, rolling around the sitting room floor laughing while they pretend to be a certain animal of my choice, the best of friends. It's very much on / off at the moment - only an hour ago they hated each other, an hour before that they were perfectly in tune. Mostly theirs is a harmonious relationship, hence why the bickering irritates me so much I guess!

This week has been lovely, with me being off and the weather being a perfect blend of autumnal sunshine and clouds. It's been dry so the leaves are in full colour, all crispy and crunchy on the ground. I love this time of year. Glenn less so as his leaf OCD is in full swing and he spends many moments picking up the leaves until not a single one is in sight. The disappointing fact is that as soon as he turns his back they are falling again. It reminds me of the Mister Men book where they ask the question "should you pick them up as they fall or wait until they are all on the ground?" Glenn is basically Mr Busy and can't leave then alone. Next door is clearly Mr Lazy and is taking the alternative approach!

During the week we spent 3 nights at Center Parcs which allowed us to catch up with old friends living locally as well as meet Mum and Dad for a walk and lunch at Stourhead. We choose the sunniest day of the week - planned weeks in advance - and so found ourselves queuing to get in with what seemed to be every person over the age of 65 in the surrounding counties. It was heaving, the busiest I've ever seen a NT property. Rather than having a peaceful walk around the beautiful gardens, we jostled for position and dodged slightly grumpy OAPs all trying to take the same photo. Needless to say we didn't stay as long as we might have, not least as Izzy spent most of the walk telling anybody who would listen how hungry she was! We decided to decamp to a pub a few miles away to avoid the crowds - a very good decision. After too much food it was back for another  trip to the Chlorine Circus that is the CP pool. The kids love it and that's why we go there. I can tolerate it, Glenn says he hates it but actually quite enjoys it when he gets there. We didn't have a few moments on the first trip where Izzy disappeared under the water and I did wonder where she had gone, but so one everyone found their water wings and we were away. Of all of us Abi was the most worried and refused to let Izzy out of her sight - fussing over her like a mother hen, before trying to drown her of course. Love hate again!

Once back we have had a lovely few days at home, doing various bits and pieces, seeing friends and getting sorted before the final half term and the end of the year - this year really is flying by again. The kids sorted their bags and got ready this afternoon - despite having a great break they are happy to be going back as well. This afternoon's treat was a call from Simon and Audrey. We've been promising to speak for a week but there never seems to be a right time - but today we managed it. What's great is that we don't need to speak every day to feel close to each other - they are in our thoughts and vice versa regardless. Watching the girls makes me realise how special a sibling relationship is.  That shared time together creates a bond that is unbreakable even if many of the memories are buried deeply. I wish there was more time to spend with each other but life is busy. Anyway - let's face it - we'd be love hate within moments as well no doubt! 


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