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Vision 2020

What an interesting week. We've had highs and lows as we embarked on a big conversation about the future, but after some soul searching and silence we have found our way to a plan which seems to be good for all. The discussion of last week - should we stay or should we go now - made it obvious that while I might be ready to throw everything up in the air and caution to the wind, the rest of the family are (thankfully) a bit more cautious. Glenn and I tiptoed around the discussion until Friday when we sat down and had a proper chat about what the future plan should be. My plan B was a 3 year idea which combines the kids being able to finish Thorngrove, us having more time to enjoy what we've done here, enough time to save up the bulk of the kids senior school fees and time for Glenn to find us the perfect property in the SW which reduces our mortgage to next to nothing. Perfect! We've even found a lovely coeducational independent school which, on paper admittedly, looks very like Thorngrove with a big focus on sports, great grounds and great exam results. It's quite an old school (established in 1604) and so has some funny traditions including the annual family cross country run which is described as bonkers and the fact at the head boy and head girl are allowed to keep a pig in their final term! The girls now have something tangible to aim for! Who knows if our own 'vision 2020' will stand up to time, but it feels great to have a plan.

This weekend the kids and I popped down to Taunton to see everyone and have an impromptu birthday meal for me. The original timing was dictated by both Glenn being at the rugby and Abi in particular hoping to see lambs being born. They got to see and hold some but unfortunately (for them rather than Mum and Dad) no pet lambs and none born while we were there. We had a lovely 24 hours and then headed home so that we could have a relaxing Sunday with Glenn and get on tops of things before the week ahead. Bertie went off to Juliet's given Glenn was out all day and Freya came with us - she's definitely turning into a 'take anywhere' dog! She soon got into the routine and before we could blink she'd worked out that the kitchen bench is fair game for the dogs and managed to get onto it. She then spent the rest of the time we were there happily watching goings on from her new perch, snuggled up amongst the cushions. When we got home she clearly appreciated she's not getting up on the furniture but trotted off to make a nest on the cushions in my study - I don't have the heart to say no, she looks just too comfy!

Back to work and next week is a bit of a rubbish one.  Between some tough things that need to be done and 2 nights either away or late it's not ideal. This said I'm feeling so much more positive than last week. It's amazing how a plan helps - now being there for the next 3 years is a means to an end - it's all in purpose of something. Three years sounds like a long time but it will spin by in a flash - I can't believe it's mid March already - the year is fast forward already - goodness it will be Christmas before we know it!


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