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Showing posts from April, 2017

Yorkshire #2 (or the Lakes & the wedding of the year!)

So from complete solitude to the hive of activity that was the pre-wedding venue for the last 2 days. We arrived from the Dales feeling a bit wind swept and rural into the most pristine of locations - all spruced up for Chris and Jessica's wedding. We were staying in some beautiful lodges - ultra cool with lots of wood and glass - the complete opposite from what we had just come from - with Liz & Dave in one, Mum, Dad, Amanda, Alex and the boys in another and finally us with Simon and Audrey in another. The kids were already excited and even more so when they discovered that each lodge had its own hot tub!! The festivities kicked off immediately - Mum, Dad Amanda et al opted for going out but we decided to stay and we had a wonderful evening of catching up over a pizza and a glass or two (well, make that a few bottles) of wine. Glenn very sensibly said he wasn't going to drink due to wanting to ride the next day, only then to make his way happily through half a bottle o

Yorkshire #1 (Happy birthday Izzy!)

Ah the peace... I'm sitting at the kitchen table in The Firs, deep in the North Yorkshire Moors at the end of 4 days of remote bliss (for me anyway!). Glenn and the kids are still in bed and I'm having a cup of tea after a long stomp over the moorlands this morning. Despite the weather forecasts being dire, we've had mostly cold, clear beautiful sunshine, interspersed with quick bursts of hail or snow which has been quite spectacular. Who could ask for more? This trip was Abi's birthday present - a trip to meet someone she has read about and admired for ages. Both the girls had read Amanda Owen's books before we got here so I was a bit worried they might get star-struck but no. As soon as we met her she put everyone at ease, not least she's the most down to earth person you could meet, and they have had an amazing time here. The last 2 days we've walked the 2 miles (uphill, with no complaints from Izzy!!) up to Ravenseat and we've had a few hours hel

Two Tribes

This weekend we have mostly been with either one or no children - a result of sorts I guess - albeit I do miss them when they are away for any length of time. As I write this it's Easter Monday and Abi has been down in Somerset since last Thursday, and appears not to be missing us in the slightest! Izzy went with her, but right from the start had said she only wanted to be away for 2 nights, so it was my job to go down on the Friday and bring her home Saturday, in amongst a very efficient series of catch ups with all kinds of friends and family. So Abi has been down in Somerset, mostly hanging out in the Gallacher Tribe, making the most of Ben & Laurie being off school. While we were all down we managed to see Emma and her boys, Liz & Dave, Chris & Jess and Kerrie and Ryan - all in the space of 24 hours! I did comment to Mum that their house is a constant stream of people visiting but they like it that way - as long as not every visit comes with tea and cake I thi

Wedding Bells!

The weather this weekend has been utterly amazing - 24 degrees this afternoon as I headed back to the garden centre for the second time to just pick up a bit more stuff to make the most of it. In fact, it was almost too hot today which I cant believe is something I would say in early April. We've certainly made the most of it, with the doors thrown open and the dogs lolling in the sunshine loving the warmth and freedom. It was so good they even made it to the trampoline which these days is looking a bit green and torn. I'm not replacing through given the number of times they (and Bertie!) get on it. It's fair to say that Freya is probably loving the freedom a bit too much... Twice today she's 'just popped into the woods' on her own to see what's going on - so much for thinking she was too much of a scaredy cat to venture far from home. Bertie cant and wont go through the fence after having the electric collar training so now we will be doing it again wit

Family fun

Another weekend and what I thought would be a relatively quiet one with Glenn away turned into a social whirl - I'm definitely all pudding'd out and in need of some detox time before we go to the wedding or I'll never fit into my dress! Glenn set off to drive to Belgium (not France as I thought) to ride The Tour of Flanders with his 'bro's' (Abi's term, not mine for Simon, Simon, Jon and Peter) on Friday and my intent was to balance kids, dogs and a few bits and pieces before heading to Simon and Audrey's on Sunday for a big family get together. Instead we ended up with impromptu tea at Lucy's on Friday, followed by having Grace and Mia come visit on Saturday, along with Sean to start to try and make good the drive so it all felt a bit chaotic. With Izzy and Grace cooking up a sleepover on Saturday night (Grace hosting not us thank goodness), Abi and I headed over to Elizabeth's for another impromptu tea and yet more pudding. Sunday was simpl