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Wedding Bells!

The weather this weekend has been utterly amazing - 24 degrees this afternoon as I headed back to the garden centre for the second time to just pick up a bit more stuff to make the most of it. In fact, it was almost too hot today which I cant believe is something I would say in early April. We've certainly made the most of it, with the doors thrown open and the dogs lolling in the sunshine loving the warmth and freedom. It was so good they even made it to the trampoline which these days is looking a bit green and torn. I'm not replacing through given the number of times they (and Bertie!) get on it.

It's fair to say that Freya is probably loving the freedom a bit too much... Twice today she's 'just popped into the woods' on her own to see what's going on - so much for thinking she was too much of a scaredy cat to venture far from home. Bertie cant and wont go through the fence after having the electric collar training so now we will be doing it again with Freya. We put it on her today and did some minimal training (Glenn walked her up to the fence and told her she shouldn't go further  - hmmm, not sure that will quite do it!) - she'll get the hang of it.

She may not be scared of this but she certainly doesn't like fireworks. Given the sunshine we ended up with neighbours over last night and the firepit going. At some point Glenn suggested using up the fireworks we'd got a year ago or so for Izzy's birthday so he set up and I took the dogs inside. When they went off though it wasn't enough to be in the study with e and Bertie. Freya shot into the Utility Room and when I crouched down next to her she jumped onto my lap and shook for about 10 mins. Guess we wont be leaving her on bonfire night then.

Over the weekend Izzy seems to have mainly been away at sleepovers so Abi and I have been pottering together. In fact it was Abi on Friday night who stayed away after they had both been to a barn dance with next door. Apparently Izzy absolutely loved the dancing and all the calling and 'grab your partner...' Abi came home and pretended it was just "OK" but in fact I think she secretly quite enjoyed it to. They both had the option to stay over but Izzy couldn't resist having her own bed so close and opted for home which is nice. Yesterday though we popped over to Zsara and Aran's and she begged to stay so it was Abi home alone instead. The quick overnight turned into all day and so after a long run (just me, 13 miles in the sunshine, utterly lovely today) Glenn went out riding and Abi and I did the garden.

Gardening is a bit like walking. You can have the kind of conversation you wouldn't have while looking at someone across a table and somehow we got onto the subject of growing up and what happens to your body. This is clearly something that is beginning to prey  on Abi's mind so we talked (not for the first time but in a lot more detail) about puberty, periods, why boys don't have to go through any of this, why girls do and so on. It was a very grown up discussion and ended up on  a funny note with me telling her that we defiantly aren't having any more kids as Glenn has had the snip. She fell about laughing when I explained what that was and refused to believe me. So I said "ask him". As soon as he got home she cornered him and asked and he finally admitted he had which made her laugh even harder. Guess not all grown up then! She finished by saying it's not fair she has to do this first. I did point out it means she can help Izzy in due course which she was non-committal about unsurprisingly.

The biggest news of the week however was from Kerrie. Ryan finally crumpled under the relentless pressure of the kids and asked Kerrie to marry him! It wasn't quite with socks on a washing line (Abi's suggestion) - it was with a caramel latte - ahhh! No immediate details but we are all very excited - dates likely to be next year - girls already choosing their dresses!


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