Woo hoo, Glenn is home and we can all get back to normal! This week has been fun but full, with every morning starting at 5:15am to walk the dogs before getting the kids up, watering the new turf, feeding everyone, getting them to school, keeping an eye on the workmen, doing a full days work, walking the dogs again, pick up, riding / school play / play dates / gym, more work and then collapse into bed to do it again the following day. To add to the general mayhem it has been super hot - plus 30 degrees for days in a row and so we've been melting and not sleeping well - perfect! By the end of the week my step counter said I'd done over 190,000 steps and walked 91 miles. Glenn did just as much with his mega ride from Ventoux to the coast, climbing 9000m in 5 days, also in very hot weather. We're all glad to be together again. The workmen in question have been driving me mad. They are supposedly now able to get on with what they are here to do but it seems that ever...