Woo hoo, Glenn is home and we can all get back to normal! This week has been fun but full, with every morning starting at 5:15am to walk the dogs before getting the kids up, watering the new turf, feeding everyone, getting them to school, keeping an eye on the workmen, doing a full days work, walking the dogs again, pick up, riding / school play / play dates / gym, more work and then collapse into bed to do it again the following day. To add to the general mayhem it has been super hot - plus 30 degrees for days in a row and so we've been melting and not sleeping well - perfect! By the end of the week my step counter said I'd done over 190,000 steps and walked 91 miles. Glenn did just as much with his mega ride from Ventoux to the coast, climbing 9000m in 5 days, also in very hot weather. We're all glad to be together again.
The workmen in question have been driving me mad. They are supposedly now able to get on with what they are here to do but it seems that everything is a problem, generally created by them. I'm sure we aren't the first customers they've worked for who are precious about their house, but I've stopped counting how many times I've either had to question what they are doing. They've brought a massive cherry picker in to reach the roofs (only to complain that they'll still need to use ladders) and didn't bother putting boards down on the block paving so its collapsed in places - this should be obvious and every other workmen have managed to do it without a problem. I'm just hoping I'm being over protective and it will all be fine. I've spent more time on the phone to the boss with them than anything else this week. When they suggested they would work the weekend I put my foot down - I needed a break from them!
The most exciting part of the weekend for the girls, apart from Kerrie and Ryan coming for lunch, was yesterday on a trip out. The kids went to Virginia Water with Claire and Mia for a sausage dog walk (?!?) and on the way home Claire's recurrent illness struck again from out of nowhere, rendering her incapable of driving and needing an ambulance. They pulled over in the services and she called Adam and 999 and so the kids then had to wait it out while the medics arrived and started to treat her. The highlight of all of this (apparently it was less scary because Mia was so relaxed - she's see it so many time) was both Claire's dogs peed in the back of the car, as did Mia (albeit into a pot in her case)! They finally arrived home about 9pm tired but fine.
Today was much calmer, with Ryan and Kerrie coming for the day and the mood being one very much of relaxation. Izzy stuck around for food and a chat and then disappeared to her room with her book - too tired by the events of yesterday to socialise. Abi on the other hand was life and soul and managed to persuade both of them onto the trampoline... just what you need after lunch!
Hopefully this week will be a little more productive with the work on the house - a friend just posted pictures of their renovation on FB having rendered and it looks great so my faith is a little restored even if I'm still worried - please let them not ruin my house!
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