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Sick house #2

So now Izzy and Glenn are feeling better, Freya is feeling poorly - is there no end to it? Poor girl has obviously eaten something which she shouldn't have and has been having accidents in the house since Thursday morning. We've had to resort to putting her back in the crate overnight which has mostly contained it (either encouraging her to wait or at least containing any damage to one place), but she's clearly feeling a bit sorry for herself. Not even Bertie's encouragements to play have been responded to. I think she's on the mend however as this afternoon he lay down next to her and she tried to chew his leg (in a friendly way) - a sign she's feeling better I hope.

This weekend has been a quiet one, dominated by partial mishaps. I took the kids up to the riding stables on Friday evening, somewhat later than normal and slightly against my better judgement - it being the end of the week, 2 tired kids etc. etc. We set off as normal and headed from the road into the lane with me noting that JuJu (Izzy's pony) was full of beans. No sooner had I thought it when he did an enormous buck while trotting and she went straight over his head. There was a moment when I thought gravity might not get the better of her but unfortunately not and she went tumbling neatly into a very muddy puddle. JuJu had his reins around both front and back legs so while I tried to sort that out Abi jumped off to give Izzy a big reassuring hug and brush down. She was covered down one side in thick mud and a bit shocked but we didn't have any tears and she got straight back on, Let's face it the alternative was to walk and that was never going to be an option! We then had to get home which attracted lots of attention from passing cars who could see she'd taken a tumble.

The other mishap was the car which has once again disgraced itself. We were due to be going to see Simon and Sharron for lunch but half way up to Northamptonshire it suddenly went into limp home mode. Now I could get all suspicious that Glenn and Abi (neither of whom are good at visiting anyone) had planned this but I doubt it. We sat on the side of the road while the JLR Assist team told us it would be a 90 minute recovery time, only then for it to decide maybe it wasn't completely kaput and so we turned around and got home as quickly as possible. The recovery technician came out today and ran his tests to show it was a different fault to last week - doesn't fill me with much confidence...apparently it's all sorted now - we'll see. The technician turned out to be a Bath rugby fan and they happened to be playing a live game so while he sorted the car Glenn kept him up to speed with the scores. Not sure what's worse - working while your team is playing or hearing second hand just how well they are doing but not being able to see it?!

The whole work / what should I do with my life saga continues with no obvious outcome. This week the whole family has been scouring Right Move for sensibly priced appropriately located / styled property for when we chuck it all in to escape the rat race. It seems we have different criteria. Abi is only interested in how many stables it will have and will there be enough surrounding land to ride on. Izzy it appears has ideas way above her station and yesterday showed me a "lovely house Mummy, but it's got people in the garden which we wouldn't want"... Hmmm, those people will be the shooting party, making use of the 257 acres before sleeping in one of the 13 bedroom suites of the £19.5m mansion. Must go and check those lottery tickets! Aside from all of this I am very clear that if we (ever) decided to do something it has to result in less rather than more pressure so its no easy task to work out how to achieve that. Back to work tomorrow then!

Writing birthday lists!


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