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Showing posts from December, 2017

Happy new year!

No time to say anything other than happy new year as we head into 2018 on the back of a whirlwind of socialising. More tomorrow, if my head allows it! G&T anyone?

Merry Christmas 2017!

Yea!!!! We managed to have a fab Christmas day!!! At last, after years of trying to be conventional and stick to the Christmas Day rules, our plans of a chilled out morning, motorbikes on Salisbury Plain followed by ham, eggs and chips for tea worked a treat - we all had a lovely day. The day didn't start as well as planned - we woke to find the boiler had blown out and wouldn't relight. Typical - keep it serviced and maintained and it goes offline on Christmas Day - what are the chances of that happening?!? We managed to get hold of our normal boiler man only to find he was away until the 30th - eek! It wasn't exactly cold but even so, we didn't want to huddle in one room with no hot water. Luckily he recommended someone in the village who was happy to come out. 45 minutes later, £104 and 3 bottles of wine lighter we were all fixed and back on track. We all agreed it was by far the best way to do Christmas - finally a recipe for us all! The rest of my Christmas...

It’s oh so quiet ...

It’s a strange feeling to have the house empty of both dogs and children. We are off to London tomorrow for my Christmas treat of Rick Astley at the KoKo Club in Camden and so we left the girls in Taunton and came home alone. Given we had been away we’d also outsourced the dogs to their normal holiday home and so it was very weird this morning to wake up without hearing expectant tails downstairs, weird and a bit disappointing for me. It was such a beautiful morning that I went for a walk anyway but it’s not the same without my mad, bad dogs to keep me company. Once I got back we did have a very nice, relaxing hour or so sitting drinking tea in the kitchen, chatting about the day and generally not getting going too fast! Since then we’ve chopped logs, sorted the house, done about 10 loads of washing (where did it all come from??), visited friends and then wrapped all the Christmas presents - not a bad day. Prior to all this peace we had the last day of term and then a wonderful cou...

Decisions, decisions

It's no wonder that time seems to fly by so quickly when you have to make various decisions so early. We are mid-way through a day of school visits with Abi. This is for a school she wont start until 2020 - that's ages away!! I know its important to plan ahead, but it feels very hard to look at a school and make an assessment as to whether it will suit in 3 years. That said, we chose our schools on the basis of reputation and recommendation and I think its been a useful process. The first, LWC, we went to alone knowing that location meant it was on the long list only. Unfortunately it was lovely and as both the kids will probably have friends going there, seemed like it would be feasible. The more I thought about it though the more I worried. It would mean they would have to board and what if that's not for them? More to the point, what if its not for me?!?! We re-considered, removed another one from our list because it was the same distance in the opposite direction, ...

Eek, December!!

Blimey, it’s December already and so we head into silly season where everything needs to suddenly be completed before Christmas and every night is party night. I could do without both. We seem to have no one available at work to do anything and I’ve got a whole bunch of things that need doing. The last thing I need to add to that stress is a whole bunch of work drinks. Particularly when I have to factor in a 2 hour commute home which is bearable only because I’m not trying to do it after 3 glasses of wine at 9pm. Oh and the fact that if I do have a drink, poor Glenn then needs to pick me up as there are no taxis from my station. On the plus side there are school events to save me from some of this. Luckily for us, both the London and Thames Valley Christmas parties coincided with Abi’s school play - hooray for fortunate diary clashes! It meant I could make an acceptable excuse and not have to drag Glenn to a festively decorated tent to make polite conversation to someone he doesn’t k...