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Wet weekend!

Ugh - it's definitely January - the weather this weekend has been wall to wall rain, from Friday night until now and the forecast is more of the same. The poor dogs are wading though knee deep mud everywhere and are fed up of being jet washed every time we come back from a walk.

The challenge with a wet weekend of course is what to do with the kids to ensure they don't spend their entire time on their iPads watching junk videos. This weekend we had a bit of \ head start in that they were both on a sleepover on Friday at Mia's which meant e had a wonderfully relaxing Saturday morning., I was up and walking the dogs at 7am, followed by a run and then off to an extra Yoga class before coffee with Zsara and home for lunch. Glenn went out on his endure bike with the boys and got home almost the same time as me so it was perfectly timed. We had an hour together before they all came back to us, Mia included, for the afternoon. Apparently they had played beautifully together at Mia's - when they got to us Abi and Izzy started to bicker a bit, but not to worry as they had things to do so it soon sorted itself out. Mia didn't go until 7ish, by which time it was cuddles on the sofa and reasonable bedtime.

Today Abi had a party so Izzy managed to persuade me that having a 10 millionth attempt at making slmie would be a good idea - "better than You Tube Mummy!" We started by watching a You Tube video (!!) on how to make the perfect slime, made sure we had the ingredients and got the process underway. I did make the suggestion we go for the 'simple slime, perfect every time' version, but no, Izzy wanted to make fluffy slime. Cue another pot of glue, some saline solution and more food colouring.... lots of slimy mix but no slime. Oh well, it kept her occupied for at least an hour. By the time we had done this and a few other bits and pieces it was time to pick up Abi.

I braved the weather again and then we popped round to see friends quickly so all in all I think we did good - there has actually been minimal You Tube this weekend - result! Actually I don't know where the weekend has gone - thank goodness for work free (ish) Mondays, rapidly becoming my favourite day of the week.

In the midst of this I have also been trying out some new glass techniques. Its funny that I had a massive splurge of glass activity up to Christmas but since then I've hardly done anything - not enough time but also other things to do. Makes Glenn happy - the house is not full of my 'art', but I'm getting back into it - inspired by a combination of books bought for me at Christmas and Pinterest - what did we do before the internet? I'm still struggling with the fact that despite me knowing exactly what I want to do in my head, it's so much harder to translate onto glass - I suppose that's the lot of every would be artist though.

I've just tucked Izzy in and she's angling to be allowed not to go to school tomorrow morning. This is very unusual but because we are taking her up to Pangbourne at midday to see the school given Abi was so taken by it and we've signed her up. I have primed her to try and sound a little more well-read than Abi with her reply to the question "what books do you like to read?" to which she responded "Anything with horses". Izzy has read all the classics so it would be nice if she mentioned this... I suspect her answer will be exactly the same.... I don't want them to be anything other than they are but it would be nice if they at least showed some of what they have done when asked!


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