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The hard truth

So this week I have had to deal with such direct feedback as "Gosh Mummy, you're around a LOT at the moment..." My reply (naively) was "Yes, that's a good thing right?" to which of course the answer was "No! Daddy shouts at us more when you're here!" It seems I upset the equilibrium of the morning routine and everyone would prefer I just shut myself in the study until the kids have gone to school, at which point it's safe to come out. I did point out that come March who knows where I will be, but to no avail - I'm definitely in the way when it comes to a school morning routine. In more positive news, Glenn likes me being around the house, the girls like me being here when they get home, and the dogs LOVE me being around as it means they get more walks and more treats. That is why we have animals - they're always happy to see me even if everyone else thinks I'm in the way.

It's that time of year again when PlayStation (or whatever it is that Glenn plays on) brings out their new Call of Duty game and so Glenn disappears into the sitting room whenever he can to run around various wastelands shooting at the enemy and complaining that he doesn't know how certain features work. The girls have never really got into gaming on the PS (thank goodness), preferring to play shorter games on their IPads, or more 'engaging' Apps such as Minecraft (or just resorting to YouTube of course). This year however Izzy has taken to watching and offering advice as he plays - not that he needs (or maybe welcomes) it! They sit on the roll out bed chairs with Glenn playing and Izzy commenting, both happy in their own ways which is nice. Abi meanwhile is generally still playing the car driving / parking Apps. I watched her on one earlier today - god help us if that's how she actually drives when the time comes!

It's also the time of the year when I have to face the onslaught of Christmas eating and drinking and this week heralded the start of it for me. On Thursday I had my Reading Christmas (evening) party, followed by Friday's London team Christmas lunch, followed by Year 6 Mum's drinks and then Simon's 40th Birthday bash on the Saturday. I was dreading having one after the other so decided my best tactic was to drive to them all and so at least stay hydrated and avoid any hangovers. This as by far the best approach and actually, despite my misgivings I ended up enjoying each of them for what they were. I shouldn't complain, next year I will be a fully signed up member of the no-frills G4S community where I'm sure spending on such unnecessary events will be few and far between. I'm rather looking forward to that! The Reading Christmas party was an interesting event in a me-too era - scantily clad dancers with acrobatic moves which left little to the imagination given the minimal clothing. I thought I was just being middle aged when I didn't know where to look but the grads on my table clearly felt the same - I think this sort of entertainment has had it's day.

Saturday was Simon's birthday party - out little baby brother is 40! He and Audrey opened the house up and had a fish and chip banquet in a marque, along with a sweet trolley that the kids made exceptionally good use of. While they ran around in a sugar fuelled frenzy we had a lovely family catch up before all heading off at a sensible time to leave the 'youngsters' to carry on. It was a lovely way to celebrate his birthday and to get together pre-Christmas. I even managed to buy and wrap family presents beforehand AND remember to distribute them - I must be on a go-slow work wise!

So one more week at work before I close out for Christmas and a relaxing run into the new year. The new job is starting to feel real - they contacted me today to ask whether I want to sit in on recruitment for one of the senior roles in my new team - yes of course but eek, it really is happening!

Happy 40th Simon!


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