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Runners & Riders

This has taken over a week from posting the photo into the template to actually finding time to write some words... that just about sums up life at the moment. I knew it would be mad for at least 6 months when i took on the challenge of starting a new job, and it certainly is. At least my brain has stopped hurting for the most part and I'm working out priorities. What I love about my new role is that I have quite o a lot of flexibility to do what I want to do. In a company as lean as ours, chances are if you spot something that needs doing in your area of focus, it's unlikely anyone else is getting after it and so you have a clean run at things. the downside is that means just a lot of stuff goes by the wayside! The key is not to worry about the things you can't fix - that way lies madness. At least I've finally learnt that lesson!

Last weekend was one of the kids being busy doing their sporty things, with Abi heading out the door on Friday evening to go to Angie's for a weekend of riding, and Izzy looking forward to the annual school triathlon at Bradfield. If you recall the last time she did this (could it really have been 2 years ago?!?), she got into the pool and duly spluttered and sank after only half a length. This was a direct result of her cockiness that she didn't need to practice her swimming! This time round we didn't exactly get her practicing as such, but we did at least get her into a pool a few times so she could remind herself of what it feels like to swim. We agreed her tactic should be to just take it easily and stick with breast stroke, do 2 lengths, rotate and then do the second 2 lengths of she was ok. She followed this to the letter and did her 4 lengths with no major mishaps - very proud of her. From here they did the bike route with no dramas and then it was onto the running where again she was going out second in her team. She did 90% of the route at a good steady pace then upped it to a brilliant sprint finish - she nailed it! This encouraged the final 2 in her team to do the same and they made up some good time meaning they finished in a very decent place in their group - well done Team Tellytubbies!

Abi had a lovely weekend riding and came home as usual on the Sunday a bit smelly, tired but happy. This time she was there on her own which she prefers - it means she is more like one of the family and it becomes home from home as opposed to when there are lots of kids there and she is one of the many. Thomas had a sleepover so they went and got fish and chips and then he slept in a room with her. Just like having a little brother (without any of the hard work on our part - perfect!).

All this happening while I got over my jet lag from 5 days in Fort Lauderdale and Miami. It was another good trip, again in and out in a blink of an eye but well worth it and minimal disruption to the family which is my preference. The next trip I'm planning is India and HK which I have decided to do a little differently and go mid-week to mid-week. This means I will get a weekend away and a chance to actually see something of the country I'm in. I'm going to spend it in HK - probably easier on the digestive system than India and certainly easier to move around independently. I haven't yet decided what I will do (it's months away) but am going to try and make the most of it.

Right off to Saturday yoga - one of the windows of sanctuary in my busy-busy life. Who am I kidding, I love the busyness of it all. As long as there are enough moments where I can step off and remind myself to look around and appreciate all that's happening around me, it's all good.

You could almost imagine being on holiday -
snap taken at 7am before heading to the office!


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