Izzy & Ben from last weekend's Battle Proms - they made it into the paper! |
Finally I've made it to the end of the week and I now have 2 weeks off - yippee! The last week managed to be both rammed with work while also dragging along, knowing that I was going to be out of the office in short order. I am finding it a bit difficult given it's the summer holidays so all routine has disappeared, and even my yoga classes are not as regularly scheduled as normal so I'm having to accept whatever is available rather than my normal classes which I've become so addicted to. Add to this the ever present question of what will happen with my job (should I or shouldn't I or more importantly, will they or won't they), and I'm basically all over the place.
Regardless of how I'm feeling, it's quite clear what makes the girls happy. Abi is absolutely loving her time working at Angie's, with the only downside the transition of coming home and having to slot back into real life every Friday.
Proof that something makes her happy even if we don't! |
This generally means tears at some point, and questions of why no-one is as nice to her at home as they are at Angie's??? I have pointed out that we are nice to her and if she was as quick to pick up her towels / clothes / mess at home as she clearly is at work, then it would all be a bit more peaceful. We managed to do quite well this Friday - she came home, had a bath, snuggled up with the dogs, was in a good mood. It all disintegrated when Glenn said he was putting tea on, she said she wasn't hungry yet, he said he wasn't cooking twice, she said in that case she didn't want to eat at all, so he said fine, have it your way, you won't then. Cue Abi sobbing into her pillow a bit later on (hungry) saying "no-one loves me here so I might as well go back to Angie's where at least people are kind to me". Deep breath, lots of cajoling and I finally got her to accept a cheese sandwich and got a smile out of her. Where do I start (with both of them) that we could have easily avoided all of that with a bit of explanation and rational thinking?!?
Izzy went off to Amber's on Saturday and I took Abi into town where she (shock horror in Izzy's eyes) decided to do her school stationery shop there and then. This to Izzy is a complete travesty. She has been online for weeks planning her shop so to just go and do it without any thought or anticipation is unthinkable! It also meant that Abi had her stuff before Izzy so of course our planned trip on Tuesday had to be immediately brought forward - nothing was more important than getting to WHSmiths NOW! Luckily they still had some stuff left so we managed to get her what she wanted today - phew!
So I'm now looking forward to a glorious 2 weeks off. I have a few bits and pieces planned, including seeing friends and family (oh, and the small matter of quite a major interview), the kids might grace me with the presence, although clearly only briefly if the remainder of the holiday is an example of what's to come. I plan to potter in the garden, run, spend time relaxing and generally recharge. I can't wait!
The spoils of a well planned back to school shop! |
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