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Bit nippy on the beach for our annual New Year walk
Welcome 2020! I did mean to post yesterday and provide some reflections on last year but ran out of time, a common occurrence when you are trying to fit in a whole bunch of stuff before friends arrive at 5pm for a NYE get together (although bed before midnight of course!)

What would I say about the last year? As ever there have been highs - the girls starting a new school, me starting (and ending!) a new job, Glenn managing to ride very nearly 8,500 miles on his bike and me running a more conservative 1000+ miles. We’ve had lovely trips to beautiful places as well as more mundane but still happy times together, e.g. watching box sets together on Netflix - a new family pastime for me and the girls at least. Of course these are tempered by a few lows - most notably losing dear friends, both human and canine. All in all though we’ve had a happy, healthy year and come into the new decade feeling strong and hopeful.

This is such a seminal decade for the kids. They will be 23 and 21 respectively when we get to the end of the Twenties - a thought only marginally less scary than how old Glenn and I will be! They will have completed their schooling, probably have started first jobs and likely be partially or fully moved out. I will be mid 50’s and likely be thinking about the final phase of my career - if current plans hold then a portfolio of roles rather than a single full time job. Who knows what else the decade has in store for us?

I read a very interesting article about measuring progress this week (what it is to have lots of time!). Its premise was that it’s easy to get hung up on noticing bad things as they often happen quickly and can have immediate impact - illness, war, natural disasters - rather than good things which can either be an absence of bad things happening or things that improve gradually (eg equality, general wellbeing etc). It reminded me to reflect on all the things I’m thankful for rather than the small things which get in the way in life, not least they are almost always only temporary setbacks. I am blessed with a happy family, good health (physical, mental and financial), many opportunities both personal and professional and amazing friends - I am immensely grateful for all that I have and my resolution is to continue to be grateful, in doing so maximise the possibility of continued good fortune.

In less than a week I start my new job. I go into this role confident that I am good at what I do and hopeful that all I have been told about KF being a great company to work for pans out. I’m looking forward to the new challenge and comfortable that I will be able to strike a good balance between home and work with an improved commute (albeit looking back the last year didn’t feel too bad even if it was a drag with all the early starts). The kids are both on good form and, despite the teen / pre-teen phase, they both still talk to me which is clearly positive. Glenn has his bikes and his various trips and challenges sorted for the year so he’s feeling motivated. Bertie is happy being an only dog, even if the kids are keen to change that. All in all we start the year in a good place.

So, my resolutions are fairly simple:
1. To continue with the habits that keep me in balance - walking, running, yoga, no alcohol
2. To make time for friends and family - you never know how long you have and short and sweet catch ups are easier to stick to than some grand plan that never happens
3. To be kinder to myself - life is hectic and it’s ok to slow down and enjoy the moment rather than rush to the next thing

Happy new year!

Blast from the past - 10 years ago!


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