3 out of 4 in a photo - about all you can hope for these days! Back to work after another busy weekend, one where 3/4 of the household have the lurgy as well so I'm not heading back into the office feeling that refreshed. On Friday I was in Screwfix so it was a journey down to Yeovil which took longer than it should have done - the A303 is never an easy road. My cold managed to go from being OK to sounding almost like a version of the Corona Virus - much to the horror of the CEO who started reaching for his hand sanitiser as tears streamed from my eyes over our intro meeting - so much for a good first impression! Luckily I had at lest met him before so he knows that isn't my normal approach. After 2 nights of nights of not sleeping due to a sore throat, I then had a sleepless night due to coaching so at 4am I crawled into Abi's bed (she was in the shed of course - it's half term) to try and at least give Glenn a break if not myself. On Saturday morning, knowing we h...