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Stormy weather

It's a good job we have a bridge!
It is winter so we shouldn't be so shocked when big storms come in but the weather over the past 2 weekends has been biblical due to Storm Ciara and Dennis (who thinks of these names?!?). The whole country has ground to a halt under the wind and rain and S Wales has been particularly hard hit with flooding and the Rivers Wye and Severn reaching their highest ever recorded point. Its on weekends like these that I'm sure Mum and Dad are happy they no longer live in the mill!

The weather has overshadowed everything we've done over the past 2 weekends, but there are some definite upsides in that we've got some house jobs done. After a busy last week of the half term (how can it be half term already?), Izzy took it upon herself on Friday evening to up end everything in her cupboards and wardrobe onto the floor to have a sort out. Normally I'd be delighted at such an activity but at 9:45pm it was hardly what I wanted to see. When I asked what she was doing she had a minor melt down over her "horrible" wardrobe and the fact that apparently I'd promised "hundreds of times" to take her to Ikea to buy new inserts for it so she could organise her clothes better. I do recall having this discussion some time ago but little had I realised that it had been circulating around her brain building up into an injustice. After we'd both calmed down, I found myself committing to a trip to Ikea on a very wet and windy Saturday afternoon - ugh.

So after a relaxing morning walk with Bertie in a window of relative weather calm, and a brilliant yoga session, I buoyed myself up for the trip, trying to keep an open mind about the whole experience. Both girls came with me and it was decided in advance that they wanted to eat there (!) so we set off before lunchtime with me already hungry - not a good start. We parked on the top deck and almost got blown away and so headed inside slightly damp but determined to go straight to what we needed. Some chance! There is no easy way to navigate your way around one of these places. It's like the lazy river at Centre Parcs - once you are in the current it's hard to get out again. Thank goodness both girls have a better sense of direction than me - if I'd been on my own I think I'd still be there! Almost immediately we entered Abi started to say she was bored - this wasn't her trip after all - while Izzy was eyeing up pretty much every display area with glee.
We dived into the multitudes of people (apparently some go for a day out!) and managed to make it to the wardrobe section where we found what we wanted and made a note of the details. Of course then you have to try and navigate (without buying the wide range of items placed strategically as you shuffle past that you don't need but are tempted by) all the way to the self selection area - no easy task. Luckily Abi cut through the nonsense and managed to get us via some short cuts to where we needed to be - onto the next task of finding our various wardrobe parts from the many aisles and locations. Only 90 minutes after we'd started we had all of what we needed (and nothing more!) and we'd paid and got out the other side. I haven't been for about 10 years and I don't need to go again for another 10 years I think. By this time the kids had given up on the idea of Swedish meatballs and were clamouring for Chicken Nuggets from MacDonalds. The weak (starving) parent I am I caved in - having kept them away from this sort of food until they reached double figures I'm a bit more relaxed about it now - its not something they eat regularly and so I'm not going to beat myself up about it. After all this home to hand it all to Glenn to build! One happy girl and one very neat bedroom (so happy Mum).

This week has been pretty hectic. I was in Southampton on Monday, Warsaw on Tuesday, Krakow on Wednesday and Thursday and London on Friday. No wonder I was tired by the weekend! Happily I sort of have 2 days off this week.  While today was theoretically a day off, I've got so much to do in the run up to year end that I've ended up doing some work. I'll claw the time back so it's OK and lets face it - with Abi at Mia's until lunchtime, Glenn out riding and Izzy in bed until noon, it was the perfect time to get some work done. Even with that I had a lovely long walk in the light this morning which even given the mud was a treat. This afternoon Abi then came out with me and we walked miles, again in the mud but with actual sunshine! Walking really is good for body and soul and I love that Abi appreciates that. Let's hope Izzy discovers a passion for it as well one day... 

A little pit stop at the half way point


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