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Lockdown - week 4

Someone is definitely loving lockdown
It's clear I'm going to have to deviate from how I've been titling these posts as it's likely to become a tad monotonous the way things are going. This week will mark the end of a month in lockdown and I think we are all going a bit stir crazy. Thank goodness the weather has turned back to sunshine as the 2 days of rain we had at the back end of the week were truly miserable for me. It was not so much the fact that I couldn't get out (of course I did), but that the kids morphed straight into fair weather slugs and took to their beds for the entire day, coming to life only when we were thinking about bedtime. I ended up posting on FB about it - I wasn't seeking inspiration as to how to motivate them (other people's ideas on this never seem to go down well), but instead I was looking for some sort of reassurance that even if it weren't for lockdown this might be completely normal for a teenager / pre-teen on a rainy Saturday afternoon at the back end of the Easter holidays. Apparently I shouldn't worry, pretty much everyone else's child had done the same thing and everyone also commented on the fact that, despite not moving, they still managed to be constantly hungry - yep!

Everyone has a different way of coping. Our neighbours, normally both very outdoorsy people, have not been seen for weeks but today posted on social media that they had collectively run 30 miles (30 miles!!) on a treadmill (her - 4 hours and 55 mins) and climbed Kilimanjaro on an indoor climbing machine (him - 3 hours and 7 mins). Why?!?!? Surely between the two of them they could have found something better to do!

At least today the warm weather has returned and after 3.5 hours of writing a paper for work this morning (like climbing Kili, same effort, less calories expended) we had a lovely day in the garden and normality was resumed. I failed to do any 'proper' exercise, but Abi and I had a lovely long walk and the two of them then bombed round the garden on their Segways while I managed to do a bit of gardening. No plants to plant obviously but it's certainly looking very tidy given that's all any of us can really do. Abi brought Monty out for his first taste of the outdoors - he looked quite taken by the whole concept and slithered around quite happily - he's such a laid back snaky if there can be such a thing.

This week is back to school - well, back to what constitutes school anyway with remote learning and the Thursday morning maths lesson tears for Izzy. I have a busy week for work which I definitely prefer. I find the slower days more difficult as I've not yet managed to reconcile myself to work not being full on 5 days a week, 10 hours a day. What I will say is though I miss people and the flexibility of going to work when I want to, I wouldn't swap that for the pleasure of not commuting every day. I suspect I'm not alone in thinking it's going to be pretty hard to come out of this when it's finally time to do so. I think the world of office work may well be heading for a massive shift - well it will if I have anything to do with it!

Bits of the garden looking lovely, even if I could do 
with some plants to fill the gaps


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