Bertie hoping to be allowed to move into Abi's shed |
Friday also marked the end of the first half of term, although half term has never felt so much like school, or more accurately, school has never felt so much like half term. The kids managed to make it
Izzy working out how far she can get from
the house and still do her lessons
I read an interesting piece today written by a doctor who said that the virus will be with us for some time and there is no getting away from the fact that we will therefore have to learn to live with it and (m ore importantly) determine what level of risk we individually want and can take and use this as a basis then for how much we can and can't do. Common sense! He also went on to say that the most important precautions we can take are completely within our grasp - stay a reasonable distance away from most people, wash your hands regularly and don't touch your face. do this and you reduce the risks considerably. Given this we can get back to some semblance of normality, even if that isn't the normal we enjoyed a few weeks ago. We have to do something - its all very well saying we should all stay at home for ever more - but the stark reality is that this is neither sustainable financially or socially.
In amongst all the nonsense I had a moment of madness this week (while on a dull conference call) and bought a hot tub for the garden. I'm not sure what made me do it but I've been thinking about I for a while and the thought of possible limited trips this summer along with lots of time spent at home I just thought "why not?" The kids are excited, Glenn less so, but he did enjoy the fact that it meant it gave us the chance to have new bit of patio put in - you can never have too much patio it seems. As Dad pointed out - the space would make a lovely spot for a pond, and I'm tempted to put a little table and chairs there while we are waiting for the hot tub to be delivered - endless possibilities!
Hot tub to follow! |
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