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Time to relax!

After 6 very hectic months, with more twists and turns than I could ever have imagined in my new job, I finally have a week off - hooray! It feels like it as taken forever to get here and I am definitely in need of a break - its hasn't all been downhill but there have been one of two moments recently where I felt like I was crawling to the finish line. Our Group General Counsel emailed me yesterday to wish me a good break, laughing at the fact that I clearly had  a final push on Friday afternoon where where I'd been noticeably firing out the final emails to various people of things I'd like to see done when I get back, or started at the very least. I appreciate if only half get addressed it will be a result, but at least it made me feel better.

The theory is that the kids are going to do half days this week, with me not having appreciated that it is actually their last week of term anyway and let's face it - they've pretty much given up already. I have consoled myself with Izzy's wise counsel where she said by this point they do very little "because its generally too hot in the classrooms and the teachers have given up"! I shall listen to he wisdom and stop stressing - their schooling has been my biggest anxiety throughout the whole of lockdown.

The school asked for feedback this week and I found it hard to be balanced. On the one hand, the school have done a good job of shifting everything online and delivering online lessons via Teams. they've maintained the same timetable and if its a case of judging the provision of content, I guess you cant fault it. If you look at the kids experience on the other hand, they are bored stiff with listening to endless teachers talking at them via a screen, with limited debate between the kids themselves, its all between teacher and individual pupil as a sort of extended Q&A. The academic girls are generally the ones that put themselves forward to speak, while the others (the vast majority lets face it) wait to be asked so listen with half an ear until their name is called and then do their best to wing it. I know its still better than what so many children have had to deal with, but its hardly world class schooling, if they remember anything from this time it will be how much Snapchat and TikTok they've all managed to get away with! Breathe.... its all going to be OK. Given all of this, I think I'm just going to tell the school we've planned various things and we look forward to seeing them all, full time and in person, in September!

So this week we have some family stuff planned - lunch tomorrow with Simon & Audrey and then Stourhead on Tuesday (we have to book a slot!) with Mum  & Dad, Amanda and the boys. Wednesday I have to do a work call so we'll stay closer to home but I'm hoping to see a friend for a walk, and then Thursday and Friday I plan to potter in the garden, weather permitting. Of course last week it was scorchio and this week is looking mixed at the best but who cares - no video screens for a week!!! As long as it's a break that's all that matters. Anyway, that's all for now - I'm off to see if I can sneak into the hot tub without anyone noticing :-)

Blue skies, sunny days


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