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For some reason I have spent the whole day feeling shattered and I have no idea why! It could be due to first week back at work after the holidays, it could be that we didnt get to bed until later than usual last night (my fault - we've been watching a Netflix series and I let the kids get away with 'just one more episode'), or it could just be the weather which is pretty rubbish right now. Whatever it is I'm heading into a Sunday evening feeling less than refreshed and it's a busy week ahead. 

This week Glenn is away cycling in Yorkshire (not quite the pristine French tarmac and sunshine he was hoping for) and so I'm in charge of everything domestic, including feeding us all - eek. We have agreed a meal planner and I'm banking on keeping it simple because quite frankily after a long day of juggling work and home I can't see me wanting to cook anything harder than spaghetti bolognase! Today I promised myself that I would jolt myself into a more energitic state by doing some exercise, but in the end I spent half the morning in Tesco shopping for the week ahead (not something I do very often thank goodness), and then Glenn and I went off for a ride on the motorbike along the Thames which was a lovely distraction even if it did nothing for my energy levels. Unfortunately my good mood which this created was then ruined by finding our nextdoor neighbours standing at our gate telling us that Bertie had been in their garden again and wanting to show us the videos. This is not the first time but he had his electric collar on all day and the girls were adament that he had been with them all the time so it doesnt seem to add up. I dont doubt he has been in their garden before, but if they are to be believed he sneaks over there everytime our backs are turned, "leaves them a present" and then comes back before he's missed. I personally think they saw him once near their gate and they are now blaming all the fox or hedgehog mess on him. Given he has two good walks a day I can't see he can have much need to do more in their garden, but who knows. We even checked our CCTV to see if we could see him going over there but all we could see was him coming out of the house so who knows. We didn't have the heart to tell them there will be another one arriving soon! 

Betty appears to have had a good week, putting on loads of weight now Mum only has 3 little mouths to feed. She is very cute and we have daily photos and video sent to us to let us know how they are doing. They have passed the first week mark so the risks of something going wrong now get much lower which is good after last weekend's drama. It also starts to get more interesting from now as she will soon be opening her eyes and starting to move around - as if we weren't already smitten enough. We've met a few puppies when out walking recently and Bertie gets extra excited - goodness knows what he is going to be like when he gets one of his own! Beyond this, Abi is very much looking forward to her week in Devon with Mia. She's hoping that on her return she will be able to buy a couple of African Land Snails and sneak them past Glenn's nose without him noticing... I doubt that's possible. 

Izzy on the other hand has her countdown ticking loudly on her phone for back to school. Just 15 days now and I for one can't wait - it's so important for them to be back with friends. In the meantime they have discovered Fortnite about 100 years after everyone else (thank goodness) and it seeems to be a mild obsession of them both. This weekend if I havent been able to find them I can be relatively assureed they will be in the living room playing on it - I don't get it but them apparently (according to them both when we were relaxing in the hot tub the other night) I am "middle aged and past my prime" - ouch! Right - it's just after 9pm - if I'm that past it I shoudl have every excuse to slope off to bed early!


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