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Wet weekend

This weekend it has mainly rained, and when I say rained, I mean RAINED. We have had about a months worth of rain in 3 days and it has definitely felt like it. Poor Bertie has had wet walk after wet walk (not that he cares) and we have been through any number of towels trying to dry him off afterwards. At least we don't have Betty yet as I imagine she wouldn't be best pleased with all this wet stuff falling from above!

The realisation of impending puppy has been dawning on me this weekend as I have been going about my business and thinking "will I be able to easily do this with a puppy?" The reality is of course that once we are past the first few weeks it will be fine, and we only have a couple of weeks until half term when the girls will be around to (possibly) help more, but in the meantime I am a little bit worried / resigned to damp patches everywhere, and not just as a result of the rain. I think I will just have to make sure she is with me - cue shorter conference calls for work so I can make sure she's been out regularly!

The weekend's weather has been so grotty that we lit the fire for the first time in the year. This has pleased Bertie no end, he loves to stretch out in front of a warm fire, but even he had to admit that it was too warm to have a fire really and so we've had to have the door open to compensate. I did stop Glenn from lighting it today at about midday, pointing out that it would mean we wouldn't be able to sit in there at all this evening - he saw sense in the end but it's been that kind of weekend. 

Despite all the wind and rain Abi cheerfully went off to Angie's on Friday afternoon for the first time in ages. Just typical that she's finally started going back there and the chances of her riding this weekend were zero. In fact we've come to a new arrangement - she's now officially working there every other weekend (or near as) and so she gets all the horse time she wants, and I no longer have to feel ripped off that we've paid through the nose and she hasn't ridden. In fact she prefers to be around the horses than on them it seems, but at least it feels like we have a better deal now. This morning she was up at 6am and had filled 26 hay nets before breakfast, after which they headed off to the local hunt XC training event where she was a jump monitor, equipped no less with a radio of her own - very grown up! The one thing I can never complain about is the exposure she has to horse related activities there and the amount of responsibility she gets. She is even getting a bit of pay for her efforts so hopefully she can save some cash as well. We have had a long chat and she agrees this is a better way of her getting her horse fix than her having her own for the time being. I have come to the conclusion that unless you have horsey parents (or bucket loads of cash) its hopeless trying to have your own horse at this age. Even with a yard only a few miles away it was hard to se how she was going to get there every evening as well as get her prep completed and care for her other animals. It's a 3 hour round trip to Angie's but that's less effort to do twice a fortnight than getting her to the local stables every night.

Izzy took the opportunity of Abi being away to go round to Mia's for the night. As usual they never decide it's a sleep over until 8pm (I ask every time for them to decide in advance) and so of course yet again we were taking clothes over at the last moment. So while Abi was in bed at 8pm and up at 6am, from what I can tell Izzy was up partying (they had guests over for dinner) until midnight and didn't roll out of bed until nearly lunchtime.... which one is the teenager again?!?

So last week of relative sanity before the bonkers madness begins.  We have Kerrie staying tomorrow night before I go to her hospital appointment with her on Tuesday - fingers crossed for the all clear that she and Ryan can start trying for a baby - then the rest of the week will pass in a flash and it will be collection day! At the moment I can't wait - I'll remind myself of that this time next week!!

Betty's first experience of rain


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