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Lockdown #2

Ugh, and so it starts again - lockdown #2. After promising us that it would not happen and that it would be devastating for the country, the scientists won the argument and BoJo has given in. What this pandemic has shown us if nothing else is that there are an awful lot of every anxious people out there who would prefer to lock themselves away and hide from potential danger whatever the cost, rather than undertake a personal risk assessment and decide for themselves whether its safe to go out. At least this time the schools remain open and we can but hope that continues to be the case. 

This time we are at least a little more prepared, even if the weather is dire and it feels all a bit apocalyptic out there with Storm Aiden (or whatever this one is called) raging. I've stocked up on some new jigsaws (last time they sold out pretty quickly) and we have some new games. The most recent one is called Genius Squares and its gone down so well with the family I've had to buy a second version as each set only has 2 playing boards. You roll dice, set up the board and its the first one to fit the pieces in and complete the pattern. It's fast and furious and to start with the adults were definitely the winners but Izzy has been practising and she is now the queen of the squares!

Half term passed uneventfully - a mix of wiping up puppy puddles, work and a (very) little bit of time out for me. Izzy pottered around at home, seeing friends and perfectly her game playing skills, while Abi went to Angie's to earn her keep as chief yard slave (or Assistant Yard Supervisor to give her the formal title!) She had an absolute ball and came back tired, smelly and satisfied. We have no idea how much she earns per hour, but given her age its fantastic responsibility and any recompense she receives is (apart from being slightly illegal I suspect), very much appreciated. 

Izzy spent Wednesday with Glenn at an enduro (motorbike) training camp. She had 6 hours of tuition with a group of other kids of varying ages and experience and loved it. She is really enjoying being out on the bikes with him and is growing in confidence and competence each time she goes. Glenn did ring me the other day to say "It's a good job you can't see her - you'd be having kittens!"

In Betty news, she is also growing in confidence. Our tiny little quiet baby has grown very quickly - she must be double the size she was when she arrived - and with every day she gets cuter. She loves being outside, regardless of the weather, and takes every opportunity to get out there. I've taken her on a few (very) little walks - we've made it to the end of the road - which she sort of enjoys albeit spends more time looking around than moving. We met a cat yesterday - that was scary!

So we will hunker down again and wait out the next phase of Corona - lets hope the muppets stay indoors so we can all get out again soon. 

Carnage of a 2 hours conference call!


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