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Criminal Activity

It's official, today we broke the law and I just don't care. We had an illegal gathering of many people at the Barn and while the doors were open and the room is massive, there were moments where I thought that one of our many new (very curious) neighbours would look at the number of cars and decide to shop us. Luckily they didn't and we got away with it - and it was definitely worth it!

So we had, in order of arrival: Steve (the builder), Glenn, Abi and I (Izzy stayed at home again for a lie in and ready meal heaven), Amanda and Laurie, George (he and Glenn had planned to ride together), Muma and Dad (theoretically to do some measuring), Dave (the man from Sharps and the reason for being there), Vy (the painter, here to do a bit of work and check in on details). This was all before our new neighbours (Jim and Hilary) turned up at the door to introduce themselves, no doubt looking on in horror at the blatant bending of rules going on!

It was lovely to get a sense of how it might work for us when things do settle down. We had the log burner going (it pumps out some heat!), the kids were sitting in front of this while everyone else gathered around the mahoosive kitchen island and chatted. it worked really well and this is before we have furniture of any description. We managed to get a number of details sorted, from when the wardrobes will be fitted (starting 15th March so before we move in - result!), to decisions on curtains, to agreements on sinks and a snagging list of all the little bits that need sorting - only 3 pages long!

From here we went to Mum and Dad's for a impromptu lunch (more illegal activity) and to wait for Glenn before heading home for puppy cuddles and dog walks - a very productive and very enjoyable day. All this said, I got home and felt exhausted, probably from all the socialising - I haven't seen that many people in one go for months and it was a bit overwhelming in some respects. Roll on normality and being able to catch up with people - we are all going to have to get ourselves up to speed again it seems on the things we previously took for granted.

As far as the rest of the week goes it was half term and I found it hard work. Having the kids at home with no structure to the day and nothing to do and rubbish weather (rained all week again) plus a busy week at work all added up to me feeling just a bit drained by everything. It seems I'm not alone - I think we are all just ready to see some spring weather and some respite from the endless restrictions we are living under. I know how many colleagues at work are struggling with kids and jobs - it's even worse if your kids are younger and need constant supervision. All this for what - I hope we look back and agree it was worth the sacrifices. 

This week at least we have the kids back at school and the weather looks to be picking up. I feel better for having written out the long list of (mainly little things) that need to be completed. March is round the corner and there's a fair chance we will see planning coming through, the house completed and we can start to move some bits and pieces in. Roll on spring and new starts for us all.

Rubbish weather but beautiful skies



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