The massive kitchen island unit - good job they didn't drop it! Having had a good rant to Mum earlier on this evening about the general lack of progress with the building work on the Barn I'm going to try not to bang on about it here. Suffice to say that the much anticipated wow factor of having the new fitted furniture and kitchen worktops was massively over shadowed by the rubbish everywhere and the inability of anyone other than Sharps to finish a task once started. This week is crunch time - I just hope everyone understands that time is running out if we have any chance of making the completion date. That's enough - I don't want to think about it anymore! So what else has been happening? The kids are completely back into the swing of school and are now very comfortable with their routine of twice weekly covid tests and, although they don't like it, wearing a mask all day. Despite all the disruption they have engaged really well and are clearly enjoying being ba...