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Back to work

Tolly getting bigger by the day!
This has definitely been the '2 week cake break' - I need to go back to work and break the cycle of my daily dose of a whole myriad of yummy cakes. some of which were well deserved, others of which...well, I am on holiday!

Despite thinking I'd not planned much, I have packed a lot in. I've seen lots of friends and family, I've finally managed to walk in Thurlbear Woods (somewhere I've been aiming to get to for ages), I've taken the kids somewhere individually and had a bit of time with each of them, and I've made it out on my bike with Glenn more than once which always reminds me how much I love cycling. I've been to the seaside, been to Glastonbury, and been on a cruise (for a few hours, no booze). In fact just about the only thing I haven't done is sit down for more than a few minutes! I've had a lovely break and while I'm not ecstatic to go back to work, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and the knowledge I have a pretty easy week helps of course.

The weather forecast for this week was generally pretty poor but it turned out not to be s bad as anticipated. We seem to have had April weather in August - lots of heavy downpours followed by warm sunshine which is ok as long as you can plan round it. Today was a perfect example. I woke up to the sound of heavy rain at 6am, so much so that I rolled over and went back to sleep for 30 mins rather than get up to walk the dogs.  When I did get out of the house the rain had stopped and we manage to do a reasonable dry walk (overhead at least), even if it was curtained by us meeting the spaniel man (3 spaniels which I know the names of, no idea what his name is!). The problem with this is that Betty loves his dogs so much that we end up having to go the same way as him or she just goes into grump mode and refuses to move. It's a bit embarrassing! This morning I had to drag her away with her just lying on the floor and looking at me like I was trying to kidnap her - good job no-one else could see!


Elsie also growing

We made it home eventually and then Glenn and I set out for a bike ride expecting to get caught in rain the whole way. We managed 3 hours and 41 miles (he went on and did 50) without getting wet - result! The it was Abi's turn and we went up to the stables to do Nula's field and ride. Another hour of exercise, this time with sunshine. Finally home to walk dogs around the field - they'd have preferred a proper walk but at the moment I can't face taking them out in the afternoons when it's busier - Bertie is an idiot and Betty switches off her hearing if we meet anyone. I've decided to do some proper dog training with them both and have made contact with a local trainer to see if she can help - I'd just like them to be a bit better behaved when in company. It's not much to ask.

So back to work even though the kids still have a month left of holidays. Abi is loving having Nula to go to everyday and has been very busy looking after her and riding. Izzy on the other hand is a professional loafer and I'm trying not to despair at the fact that she does very little of value (as far as I can see) all day. She has been doing a walk-run thing over the past week or so, as well as a daily online abs workout, but I'm not sure this can really be called a full time schedule. Come this time of the evening (around 9ish) she hooks up with her friends on Facetime and that's it until bed - they play Minecraft, watch videos together and chat. At least I know she's socialising even if it isn't the way I would do it - but that's true of every teenager so I shouldn't worry or complain - even if I want to!

Making the most of the
sunny spells



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