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New additions

Betty and friends

OK, no idea what have happened to the last few Sundays (which is when I normally sit down to write this). As ever the weekend gets away from me and then I find myself on a Sunday evening catching up and just lose all sense of time and it's bedtime before I know it. I tell myself that it's OK and I will manage to catch up on writing it during the week, but that never happens - its Sunday or bust. 

It might also be that we have had a LOT going on over the past few weeks. It really has been a time of sad losses and new additions. So, where to start?

Firstly, and sadly so soon after losing Bertie, we lost our lovable piggie Bean. He was the most outgoing of the two, always squeaking as you passed the hutch to remind you that it might be a good time to feed him, (regardless of the time), so it was very noticeable. Abi had noticed he was looking off colour and we took him to the vets, only for them to confirm he had a tumour in his abdomen. We took him home and made a fuss of him overnight, to then take him back to the vets the following day to say goodbye. It's the most horrible thing to have to do and poor Abi came with me and was in floods of tears.  We left Boris (his soulmate - they bond for life normally) for a day or two but we knew we would have to sort him out some friends so on the Monday we set off after work on a trip across the Somerset Levels to bring home Bentley and Boo - two baby male piggies. We knew it might be difficult to get them to bond but almost immediately it was clear they would be fine - job done and a happy Boris.

Puppy visiting - who could resist?

Then we turn our attention to Betty. Despite taking her everywhere, making sure she was getting plenty of walks with other dogs and giving her lots of love and attention, it was clear she was just very sad without a buddy. I waited a few weeks to see if it would get any better but she got quieter and more jumpy - every noise would result in her barking which was not conducive to a peaceful existence! The last straw was her up and down every few minutes while I was trying to work - so I finished my calls and spontaneously went puppy hunting - just like that, minimal thought or discussion involved! Of course I lined up Abi to do the actual hunting and just waited for the suggestions to roll in, which they did thick and fast. Within a few hours we had narrowed the breed to a working cocker spaniel, and by evening we had lined up a viewing of 3 puppies only the other side of town. We were smitten from the moment we met them - its a miracle we didn't come home with all 3! So Friday afternoon before the kids finished school we went to collect Douglas -13 weeks old and absolutely adorable. 

Betty was quite surprised when we delivered her new friend to her. She spent the first few hours tumbling him every time he moved (much to his concern). but has quickly learnt what she can and can't do and they have become firm friends already. As for us, it's like he has always been with us and I can't believe it's only been a week. He has settled in so well and has so far been excellent - it makes a big difference being 13 weeks old rather than 8. We've had the odd puddle, but nothing like we had with Betty to start with, and he happily goes in his crate and night time with barely a peep. He sleeps through until morning without a problem - so far so good!

Other than this we have had the normal run of school stuff, horses, hockey matches and more. Izzy's hockey team is on a unbroken run of wins (they drew this week) and she is loving playing. She also now goes to a local netball club every Monday with our neighbour Sophie - all ages and abilities, albeit they are of a pretty good standard given they are dedicating time to it. Abi is still squeezing every moment she can into being at the stables and has got used to the change in daylight - it's not as easy but she makes it work. Kerrie has been sorting out house and mortgage (we still can't believe she and Ryan will be house owners!) and yesterday we had the pleasure of babysitting Elsie for a few hours. As ever she was on her best behaviour. 

I was due to go to France tomorrow but we have another corona variant moving in which the government are more worked up about than normal, so its been postponed. Part of me is disappointed as it would have been great to get out and see the team, but the other part is relieved - it feels like there is too much going on to be travelling before Christmas - time to stay local for now I think.

All in all its no wonder I haven't had the time to put pen to paper - life is full but fun - we definitely can't complain.

Butter wouldn't melt!


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