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Yesterday was the first day of Spring (officially), and for 24 hours it actually looked like it as well. In true Drinkwater form, the doors were flung open, everyone stripped down to no more than 2 layers and we made the most of the beautiful weather.  This meant immediate demands from the girls to have all meals outside (which we duly did, admittedly in our coats), both Glenn and I getting out on our bikes for a decent ride, and the girls playing outside for most of the day and loving it.  It felt wonderful... it's amazing after so much rain just how fantastic sunshine feels on the skin, and how much easier it is for the kids as they just head for outside, no questions asked.

So, after that brief respite, it was back to normal today - heavy rain was forecast and it arrived on the dot of the scheduled hour, and we were back to a day of the girl's winding each other up as they stared out of the window asking what we're doing today.  After listening to them driving each other up the wall, pretty rare for them given they normally play nicely together, I succumbed and we went to the pottery painting place which they both love. Pottery duly daubed Izzy asked if we could go and look in the pet shop. Hmmm - my response "yes, but we aren't spending any money"... roll foward 45 mins and we leave the shop complete with cage, sawdust, food and Syrian Hamster.  Welcome Bella.  If I'm honest, I think half the problem is that I clearly felt deprived of the rodent phase as a child - we had guinea pigs (another story of how they met a rather untimely end) and I'm sure we both had a rat (also I think meeting an untimely end), but never a Hamster.  She's very sweet, albeit a bit sketchy at the moment and very much the centre of attention (at least for the next week or so).  Thank goodness Abi set an immediate rule of 'no getting Bella out without an adult present' as otherwise I think we'd have lost her already.  Izzy is very keen to hold her as much as possible.  Abi is a little more reticent, not because she's scared of Bella, but more she's scared of dropping her.  Long may this continue! Let's hope we don't become the Grim Reapers of the rodent world over the next few years!

This week was also Parents Evening - both girls doing well I'm pleased to report.  It may be the stage we are at but with Izzy it was all about her being a happy smiley child, pregressing as expected, always keen to get involved and very much the social butterfly but in a good way. Not much substance in the detail in other words.  With Abi there was a bit more depth - her teachers reconise that not all of her work comes easily to her but that she is very diligent and works hard to succeed.  It was reassuring to see them acknowledging this as we see it also and know that this recognition is what she responds to so it's important it continues.  Funny how to start with you want you child to be happy and healthy.  How quickly this extends to happy, healthy and hardworking!


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