Poor Abi, she just doesn't make it easy for herself. The dreaded homework challenge has raised its head again after coming home this weekend with not one but four pieces of homework as well as a project which will last through the term. The problem arose when it became clear that at least one of these was because she hadn't finished her work in class so it's rolled over. Up until now if she didn't finish something it was generally either considered done or completed at another time in school. Not any more and that's a bit of a shock. So, we sit down together and instead if just getting in with it, we have tears and general procrastination. The whole thing is supposed to take 30 minutes but after 43 minutes all we've managed to do is regroup upstairs where Abi has taken refuge under her duvet to sob her heart out that "homework just isn't fair..." Maybe not but we've got years of it ahead so it better get used to it.
I started this episode practising my 'calm parenting' techniques "I'm here to help, I will be completely focused on you for the next 30 mins and this will be a bonding experience between Mother and Daughter". After 45 minutes of tears and tantrums I've had enough and I've reverted back to normal techniques of "oh for goodness sake, buck up and get on with it" not such a help after all. We finally manged to get it done by leaving it until later in the day but it doesn't bode well for the future when we've got 2 of them doing homework and it takes longer than half an hour!
It didn't make it easier that Glenn was outside playing with his new toy. I blame Simon and Audrey for starting this by buying the kids toy helicopters for their Christmas present. Not unexpectedly they didn't last very long so Glenn has replaced them with a £200 all singing Quadcopter, compete with GPS and camera. It can go up 4000 feet and moves at 10m per second. Perfect for a 7 year old. Obviously at this point it's important we all understand how to use it, which basically means we've not been allowed to fly it while he shows us what to do. Apparently Glenn is planning to film me riding up Ventoux later in the year - something to look forward to (not!).
Other than this last week was dominated by back to work / school. The madness of term / work time is upon us again and I've got a busy few weeks of running around, evenings away and lots of different client work to focus on which is both interesting and tiring in equal measures. As ever on a Sunday I look at my diary and wonder how I'll get through it all, but once I'm in the midst of it it's always fine. I said to the girls that I would be away a few nights to which their response was sweet "we'll miss you but we'll be fine Mummy". I feel the same.
I started this episode practising my 'calm parenting' techniques "I'm here to help, I will be completely focused on you for the next 30 mins and this will be a bonding experience between Mother and Daughter". After 45 minutes of tears and tantrums I've had enough and I've reverted back to normal techniques of "oh for goodness sake, buck up and get on with it" not such a help after all. We finally manged to get it done by leaving it until later in the day but it doesn't bode well for the future when we've got 2 of them doing homework and it takes longer than half an hour!
It didn't make it easier that Glenn was outside playing with his new toy. I blame Simon and Audrey for starting this by buying the kids toy helicopters for their Christmas present. Not unexpectedly they didn't last very long so Glenn has replaced them with a £200 all singing Quadcopter, compete with GPS and camera. It can go up 4000 feet and moves at 10m per second. Perfect for a 7 year old. Obviously at this point it's important we all understand how to use it, which basically means we've not been allowed to fly it while he shows us what to do. Apparently Glenn is planning to film me riding up Ventoux later in the year - something to look forward to (not!).
Other than this last week was dominated by back to work / school. The madness of term / work time is upon us again and I've got a busy few weeks of running around, evenings away and lots of different client work to focus on which is both interesting and tiring in equal measures. As ever on a Sunday I look at my diary and wonder how I'll get through it all, but once I'm in the midst of it it's always fine. I said to the girls that I would be away a few nights to which their response was sweet "we'll miss you but we'll be fine Mummy". I feel the same.
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