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Happy new year!

And so 2014 ends, and what a year it's been. The beginning of the year brought uncertainty, threat and then confirmation of redundancy, the challenge of deciding what direction to head in work wise, and the challenge of then finding the right job. It also brought space and time, a wonderful period of rest and reflection, an opportunity to plan for the future. It brought space for Glenn and I to debate and decide on the changes to our home, and the money to be able to do it earlier than expected. It brought lots of happy hours being Mummy to my lovely girls without the pressures of a commute or work. Also lots of time to cycle, walk, swim and be strong in body as well as mind. Cycling Ventoux was a high point, quite literally, but the whole period is full of happy memories of time well spent.

The second half of the year was a complete change in gear. Starting a new job with the resolve to create a mode of operation that is sustainable and works for all of us. The challenge of making new contacts, building relationships, proving myself while learning about a new organisation and new politics. Transitioning into this while the house was under siege of builders. The joys of seeing the changes unfold as planned, the angst of working through the inevitable snags, be they little or large! The joy of watching our babies continue to grow and develop. I've never had a year quite like 2014 and it's been amazing in every way. How to beat that?!?

We've had a lovely Christmas break. As ever, a quiet Christmas Day where the high point was not a meal or the gifts however lovely they might have been, but my bike ride with the girls in the bright December sunshine. Watching Izzy cycle all the way up the hill that's defeated her twice this year and the pride on her face and Abi's watching her do it. Laughing at my mud-monster Abi who could not resist standing in all the muddiest puddles, despite being in trainers and me yelling at her not to. I love this time together. Boxing day was hosting Glenn's family and as relaxed and fun as ever. Then it was pretty much back to normal -  never ones to prolong Christmas. New Year was at home and bed before midnight - getting old!

We've had lots of opportunity to get out and active, be it riding (girls increasing competent and loving it ever more), cycling or walking. We've also mooched around, watched films, played board games and generally spent lots of time together - perfect. The only downside is that we have to get back into a routine which starts next week - argh! For me its back to 5am starts from Monday so I've started to ease myself in gently with a 6.30am alarm call this week - that's enough for the time being!  Our alarm clock has been Abi over the holiday and she's been getting later and later. She still arrives a cheery "Morning, it's *state time with sense of surprise or horror depending on how late it is*"  I will miss that next week.  But normality calls and I have to answer - real life is a mix of both after all.

So what will 2015 bring? Glenn is planning new challenges - another Ventoux trip, the South Downs Way (there and back in 24 hours of course) and a season of bike racing. I'm looking forward to consolidating the good start I've made in work with a period of establishing myself further. I've got a good idea of what I want to focus on and some irons already in the fire of how to make it happen. The girls will have lots of new things to learn and do at school which will no doubt bring a mix of fun and frustration for us all. Abi will grow even taller and Izzy might even lose a tooth! We have a family project which we are considering, embryonic now but from little acorns mighty oaks grow. Who knows what the year will bring - as long as we are together anything is possible. Happy new year all, may it be a good one x


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