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Welcome to 2016!

And so another year starts - welcome in 2016!

After a quiet (ish - massive fireworks at midnight woke the household) New Year's Eve we had our now annual New Year's Day trip to Sandbanks to blow out the cobwebs and see in the new year. I love this day out - it's always a coffee in Cafe Jazz before a wind swept walk along the beach running in and out of the tide and then off to a restaurant for a big lunch. Today was no different, with the wind blowing as strongly as I've ever seen it and the beach full of people walking, swimming (always a few, looked very chilly today), playing and making the most of the amazing stretch of sand. I love the beach in the winter, wrapped up against the cold and seeing the waves crash in. So much more than the summer when I really don't like beaches - all a matter of preference.

This year I'm not planning on setting any resolutions, other than to try and always be thoughtful, patient and kind to myself and others - common sense rather than resolutions. I do have some goals however. In no particular order:

1. Run a marathon - training is going well (12.5 miles yesterday and feeling good today) so on track for March, albeit still thin 26 mikes is a huge distance to run and can't quite get my head around the fact that I intend to try and do it.
2. Get settled into my new role and enjoy the new challenges. I'm really looking forward to having my own team again, and being able to make a difference to a group of people and area of the firm. It's very nice to be starting the year feeling positive about work and looking forward to getting stuck in.
3. Not buy any (more) new cars this year. Should be achievable given we have yet again failed to avoid our normal mid winter auto upgrade. This time it was a swap of Mercedes which resulted in Glenn getting his choice of pocket rocket (GLA AMG) and me realising very quickly that this isn't my type of car. Given this I decided to throw caution (and more cash of course) to the wind and upgrade the Disco to a Range Rover, We were doomed the moment we sat in it - very nice driving position, smooth drive and the opposite of the rocket. Sold to the lady who doesn't think bucket seats and a tail fin is a fitting motor for an EY partner...
4. Not book holidays that my family think are 'pants'. This basically means we are going to France, Centre Parks or the New Forest. Anything else is the responsibility of someone else this year, which means we will be going to France, Centre Parks and the New Forest. Perfect!
5. Make space and time to do the things we love as a family - last goal and certainly not the least.

So many people have commented on how quickly Abi is growing up, but I think they both are. This year we will celebrate 10 amazing years of marriage, Abi will also be 10 and Izzy 8. They are turning into little people with their own talents, hopes and dreams before our eyes. I'm so proud of both of them for the amazing young women they are becoming. Time passes so quickly - the last of my goals definitely needs to be taken the most seriously.

So happy new year to all - I hope it brings peace, love, health and happiness. All else is a bonus.


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