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Half term logistics

We have definitely reached the point where the girl's social calendars are as busy as ours and my half term challenge is to ensure it all fits in and everyone arrives where they are supposed to be at the appointed time. We are looking forward to is a few days down in Somerset, seeing everyone and hopefully getting a break in the rain for a long walk on the beach. Kerrie has promised to come over and treat us with a home made cake, and the girls can't wait to see Ben and Laurie of course. I'm just pleased to have a week off, no 5am starts, walking in the daylight and seeing lots of Glenn and the girls. I have a pile of admin to do which I know I need to get around to - but maybe later in the week will suffice!

Sunday mornings are one of my favourite times of the week. I did reflect as I was out walking this morning that if I wrote this blog on another day it might not be so upbeat. This morning was no exception with Abi and Izzy making us 'omelettes, noodles and fish' for breakfast out of a stationery stash of paperclips and rubber bands! As ever with any game that goes on in our house Bertie was quick to see if he could join in - ever hopeful in this case that given the oven was involved it might mean food... bad luck this time Bertie.

The end of term also means effort cards and I'm pleased to say both girls did well, with and average of 4.4 for Abi and 4.3 for Izzy. This is out of 6 but having asked around I think a 6 is a rare thing indeed and I'm happy with the good smattering of 5's both got, particularly as Abi earned a 5 in Maths, previously a subject she wasn't keen on. There's precious little competition however between them - not sure whether that's a good thing or not. When I said to Izzy "Maybe next time you can see if you can beat Abi" her response was a very matter of fact "why would I want to - she's year 4 and it's not a competition..." - too wise I think! More worryingly was me saying to Abi "how about a 6" to which her response was "It doesn't really matter though does it?" Arghhh!

Going back to the subject of the weather, it feels like it has been raining forever. The winter has been about as wet as I can ever remember and I thin we've only had 2 frosty mornings since the autumn. The mud is everywhere and the poor dogs have now become completely accustomed to being jet washed off when they get back. In order to minimise the impact on Scooby's arthritis and Bertie's eczema (nothing like Boxers to ensure you are aware of every canine ailment going) we now use a portable jet wash with hot water which steam cleans them. Good thing really because Bertie's habit of leaping through the undergrowth like a gazelle means he invariably comes back muddy from head to tow. I was about to type roll on summer but its on it's way - the mornings are getting lighter, the days longer and Spring is in the air. There are daffodils already, albeit that's more the lack of winter than the coming of Spring - and I'm driving to work in almost daylight - yeah!!

This is the time of year when time starts to speed up - it's a month to my birthday and then it will be Easter, the summer terms and before you know it the sun will be with us - woo hoo!


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