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Sensible sleepovers?!?

So half term has arrived at break neck speed with hardly a moment since they were last on holiday - can that really have been 6 weeks? This half term we have 2 weeks so today we packed Abi off to riding down with Angie and Izzy now has a friend for a sleepover. We rarely do sleepovers - generally (much to my relief) they go to their friend's houses. This therefore is very exciting for Izzy, and a little less so for us. Actually the friend in question, Effie, is lovely and they have eaten all their tea, watched SCD, had a bath and now tucked up in bed reading to each other. The bath did include an entire can of bath foam which turned everything pink and made them itch - lesson learned - but so far so good. All evening they've been asking if they could have a midnight feast so (against all parenting instinct) I made up a bowl of grapes, blueberries and a couple of small packets of haribo. I know, I know, its hardly pushing the boat out but really - what would you give two 8 year olds just before they go to bed. When I told tem they would need to do their teeth before bed they replied "we should wait until after the feast." I pointed out that the last thing they would want to do after eating their food at midnight would be to brush teeth, only for Izzy to say "Mummy, we're not waiting until midnight, we'd be REALLY tired,  we are having it now!" Good girl - at least I don't have to go to bed worried they are staying up beyond us - plenty of time for that in years to come!

Today we drove Abi off to her riding holiday, complete with cream jodhpurs and white shirt for her first hunt meet tomorrow. Angie is a stickler for tradition so they are all signed up with the Wilton Hunt, with Abi being led out for her first experience of it. I'm sure she will have a complete ball. When I dropped her off today I didn't even get a goodbye - she immediately disappeared off with the other kids, some of whom she knows from previous visits, and before I'd realised what was happening I saw her riding past the window with the others, heading off in the sunshine. It was a beautiful day for it - if they have that weather all week it will be amazing. As far as I can work out - details are always a bit vague - she's hunting Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. I just hope she can come back down to earth afterwards. I did have a moment of disappointment from Izzy that she wasn't staying also, but she doesn't want to be away for a whole week and so I think we need to wait until she is a but older. At least I know Abi won't be up until midnight - as always happens I didn't think to phone until just after 7 (6pm such a difficult time for me), and once again Abi was flat out - I think Angie's got this kids camp thing perfectly planned!

Izzy in the meantime has various friends she's planning on spending time with, and I'm off for a few days this week before we head off to Centre Parcs next week. We haven't been for ages but I'm hoping everyone will enjoy it - I like the fact it forces me to slow down, the girls love the pool and we can always escape for a few hours if we need to get out. This year we haven't booked anything formal - just looking forward to relaxing, doing a bit of cycling around the site with the kids and not rushing around too much. we haven't been for a few year so I'm also hopeful we wont come away with the obligatory ear infection.

Update on the sleepover while I write - Glenn has just gone up to find the 2 of them prancing around in my shoes - perhaps allowing them to sleep in the room which has all my work shoes might be a mistake...

Quick pic from last weekend when Kerrie was staying. They really are the best of friends xx


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